Conshohocken in the 1980’s
February 25, 2022
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March 7, 2022Recap – Conshy Prom “Back to the 80’s”

Recap – Conshy Prom “Back to the 80’s”
by Brian Coll
A little over a week ago on Saturday night February 26th at the Great American Pub you saw people in prom attire from the 80’s, traditional gowns, a track suit couple, Run, or was it DMC? At least one Marty McFly… 3 Don Johnson’s from Miami Vice, one hot Donna Johnson… a couple of legendary mullets, some really bright neon colors on, well everything. There were smiles everywhere you looked. DJ Jammin J set the perfect mood to start the night, then band The P-Rents killed it!!!! They played hit after 80’s hit and kept people dancing for hours. The food and drinks provided by the Great American Pub were amazing.

PhotoBooth photos from EventSmith photo booths.

During the night, votes were submitted and counted and Bon Jovi – Living on a Prayer was selected as the official prom song. Awards were given out for best dressed 80’s couple, best hair, best 80’s prom dress and a few others.
The Prom Committee was Barbara Asman, Brian “Butch” Coll (Me) Nick Contos, Tom Gaydos, Anna Gibbard, Erin Saulino, Laura Ann Scotti and Janice Epting Selig. If you attended and have ideas for next year, please reach out to one of us, we’d love to hear them.
We had some amazing photographers document the evening, Nick Contos, Andrew Kibe Productions, EventSmith photobooth and an attendee of the event Emily Sutherland took some great photos. Keep an eye on the Conshohocken Adult Prom – Conshy Prom Facebook page for more photos and videos from the event.
If you were thinking about it this year and skipped it for whatever reason, don’t worry…. the committee is already working on next years Conshy Adult Prom. This year the theme was Back to the 80’s, stay tuned for next year’s theme and details. For those of you who attended, we have to thank you…. because of you the Conshohocken Adult prom Committee was able to raise $2500 for the Colonial Neighborhood Council and $2500 for the Conshohocken Free Library. So, THANK YOU!