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January 13, 2020Lucid by Midnight – Playing the Conshohocken Adult Prom!

Lucid by Midnight – Playing the Conshohocken Adult Prom!
by Brian Coll
I’m talking to Jonny Alba from the band Lucid by Midnight. When we thought of the Conshohocken Adult Prom idea he was one of the first people to think it was a great idea and he and his bandmates offered to play the event for FREE since 100% of the proceeds are going to Conshohocken charities. Thank you for that in case I haven’t said it out loud! If you need tickets or more info about the event…. check it out here. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/conshohocken-adult-prom-title-sponsor-the-great-american-pub-tickets-83826680859?aff=ebdssbdestsearch
So… Lucid by Midnight, great name for a band. How did it come about and how long have you guys been doing this?
It was a name that I came up with in 2014, kind of recognizing that for me I felt a certain unique clarity in my mind after midnight that helped me harness musical creativity. I started using the name “Lucid by Midnight” for my solo project songs (which had previously been released with my name “Jonny Alba” as the artist). In 2015, after writing 10 songs under the Lucid by Midnight name, I found musicians to perform those songs with. We started gigging out in 2016, and have played all over the Philadelphia area and in Atlantic City as well. The places I’ve enjoyed the most are The Grape Room, The Trocadero, the Tusk, and The Fire.
Who is currently in the band?
It’s me (Jonny Alba) on guitar and vocals, and Ian on drums and Steve on Bass.
So… what kind of music do you general play?
We play alternative rock with a quite a bit of modern edge and improvisation.
Whats the set list like for the Conshy Adult Prom?
I’ve got a few things that I’ve worked up as an acoustic duo especially for the Prom, but honestly I’m waiting to see what the crowd makeup looks like when we get there to decide exactly what I think they would enjoy. I’ll start out with some jazzy instrumentals until I can read the crowd, then some covers that they’ll hopefully enjoy and a couple of originals.
That’s coming up February 22nd at the Pub, have you ever played the ballroom there?
I have been to the Pub a bunch of times but have never been outside.
Where can we see you besides at the Pub for the Prom?
Since we have a new bass player, he’s still learning the songs but I expect to play out again in March in some place like The Grape Room or The Rusty Nail. I’ll keep you posted.
Where can we check out your original stuff? Anything else going on?
www.reverbnation.com/lucidbymidnight has a handful of songs from our first album and I’m hoping to have new recordings soon followed by another album.
Thank you so much, not only for chatting with me, but for playing the Conshohocken Adult Prom on February 22nd. Can’t wait to check you guys out. Thank you!