A Century of Football in the Conshohockens
November 14, 2021
Small Business Saturday in Conshohocken
November 23, 2021Five – A Short Story Collection by Andrew Kibe

Five – A Short Story Collection by Andrew Kibe
by Brian Coll
I’ve been watching the progress of a book by a friend named Andrew Kibe. Andrew has helped me with a couple of video projects and he does the converting from VHS to DVD (and digital). Before I knew he was working on short stories he filmed the Conshohocken Adult Prom that we held in February of 2020 (and we are planning the next one for February 2022)
Andrew stopped by my shop the other day and I told him to go get his book, so we could talk about it.

As we got talking, I started asking a few questions and I’ll share the chat with you here.
So, Andrew, tell me about Five …. is it five short stories? Is there a theme to them all?
Yes, they are all thrillers, mystery, horror style.
How long is the longest one if you will (me as I flip through the book)
The whole book is about 120 pages and I’d say the longest one is 35-40 pages
So, how long have you been working on this?
Straight through about a year and a half.
That makes it sound like you were working on it before really working on it….
(chuckles) yeah, I guess you can say that. I always enjoyed being creative and telling stories… even going back to grade school, at least middle school for sure I’d write short stories with my grandfather Ron Galarus.
That’s very cool, besides writing, what keeps you busy?
I work as a computer programmer, enjoy video games and as you know I do videography and I film sports events, weddings and hopefully another Conshohocken Adult Prom.
Yes! We’re working on one right now. In fact, save the date February 26th for me so we can have you film it again. It was so much fun. Back to your book and other ventures. What is your website for videography and such.
And, I have to ask, did Sabrina have anything to do with the book?
Yes, she did. You know, we both are passionate about libraries and books. I would do Science in the Summer and reading projects at the library and she worked there for years, We have a deep connection and she helped me focus and actually schedule time to work on the book. She was very supportive and encouraged me to write the book and then she helped schedule time to write. I’d stick to the schedule even if I wasn’t feeling inspired and then the rhythm took over and the inspiration came easier knowing I would have time to write.
I’m glad I asked about her, so, if I’m getting the book (which I am) what story should I dive right into?
The very first story, “Initiation” plays a lot with punk rock music. I liked how it came out creatively and feels very original. music seems to inspire “her” the character. She’s at a party and is contemplating leaving and just then “should I stay or Should I go” comes on the speakers…..
Andrew, thank you. Tell us where and how to buy the book.
Here is the link, and as of this minute, the book is for sale.
Thank you Andrew, best of luck with this and any other projects you decide to take on, I know you’ll do great things.