Ron Campbell – You May Not Know his Name, But We’ve all Seen his Work (RIP)
January 26, 2021
Golden Ticket Scavenger Hunt – The Hussey Group
January 27, 2021A Great Old Photo of Lee Tires and beyond

A Great Old Photo of Lee Tires and beyond
Coll Collection

We could write a book about John Elwood Lee, his tire company and before that his surgical supply company. However, today we are just going to talk about this photo….
If you live on the “upper aves” you are probably looking at this photo saying to yourself, wow there is nothing there. And you’re right, kind of. Of course things have changed and the old Lee Tires factory is now home to the Spring Mill Corporate Center.
That house on the left hand side of North Lane still stands today. It was the home of Albert A. Gartwaite who was John Elwood Lee’s son in law. Albert would go onto become President of the Lee Company following John’s death in 1914. You may recognize his name from the “A” Field.
Honestly, I was working on another project, looking for this photo, and when I saw it, I knew I had to share it with all of you. It gives us a look at the area from about 100 years ago.
The author of this post is the Coll Collection. My dad Jack has worked for 40 years now gathering photos and info on our community. We’ll try to share more of the oldies but goodies here and on our Facebook page.
While we have you, let’s keep our community businesses in mind, everyone is hurting right now. They could all use our business. If you are reading this and struggling with putting food on your table, reach out to us. The community has been great looking out for each other. Take care.