The Bobcast and An AWESOME LIVE MUSIC EVENT September 28th
September 24, 2019
People of Conshohocken – Pastor Brad Lacey
September 26, 2019Have YOU Tried the Peanut Butter at Edwards Freeman?

Have YOU Tried the Peanut Butter at Edwards Freeman?
by Brian Coll
Okay, here’s the deal…. we are less than a month into the school year and I am tired of making plain old peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for the kids. We have also used sunflower and nut free options due to allergies in certain classrooms. If you make PB & J’s and want to try something different, for you or the kids. Stop in Edwards Freeman. Normally I talk about the candy. Today, I want to show you a few flavors I saw and one I bought on a recent trip:

So…. next time you want to mix things up a bit, hit up Edwards Freeman and the peanut and other butters are right inside the door…. you will have to go past a ton of candy on the way to the register and if you see something you think we would like here at Conshystuff feel free to drop it off to us.