March is National Women’s History Month – Conshohocken was Honoring Their Female Residents Nearly 100 Years Ago in 1925
March 30, 2019
Taking a Minute to Recall an Old Friend – Robbie Cermanski
April 23, 2019Groundbreaking at the New Hotel Site and Amerisource Bergen

Groundbreaking at the New Hotel Site and Amerisource Bergen
Photos by Jack Coll
Story by Brian Coll
On a perfect Conshohocken day, ground was broke at 1st and Fayette. A number of dignitaries, elected officials and business people spoke briefly before picking up the shovels and getting to work.

We have photos from when ground was broken here back in 1983 for the first office building in Conshohocken. We could speak of the long history of this piece of property, but let’s focus on today, and what will be built at this location: