History of a House – 341 East Hector Street. Six Shots were Fired, One Man Was Dead.
December 28, 2020
Joni McCormick – Farewell my Friend, and Thanks for Everything
December 29, 2020Whitemarsh Township Building and Police Station – World War 2 an inside look

Whitmarsh Township Building and Police Station – World War 2 an inside look
Photo from the Jack Coll Collection

This is a rare look inside the Whitemarsh Township Building and Police Station from when it was located on the corner of Ridge Pike and Crescent Avenue. During World War 2 the building also served as headquarters for the War Price & Ration Board who supplied gas and sugar ration coupons.
If you’re not familiar with rationing during the war, take a few minutes and look it up. There are some amazing posters images on the web as well as articles which will discuss the rationing process. Recently our family came across a ration book from our grandfather who grew up in Conshohocken. It was a nationwide effort.