Halloween is on Halloween….
October 30, 2019
Volunteers Needed This Evening, Tomorrow and Monday
November 2, 2019Welcome to Conshohocken Pastor Tim

Welcome to Conshohocken Pastor Tim
by Brian Coll

I have had the pleasure of chatting with Pastor Tim at a few events over the past few months and I thought I would take a second to introduce all of you to Pastor Timothy Duchesne.
He has been with us here in Conshohocken since July 1st, he was born in Philly and kicked around the suburbs even into south Jersey. He found his way to Lansdale and has been a pastor for 24 years.
When we recently discussed Conshohocken and what makes it unique he was quick to point out the friendly people, some really nice, outgoing parishioners. He feels very at home, in a quick amount of time, like he’s been here much longer than he has.
He actually expressed interest in being a chaplain here at Conshohocken Fire Company #2 and I thought it was a wonderful idea. I can’t recall the last time we had a chaplain here to help fire victims. It made me curious as to why he would think it was needed and practical and he took a moment to collect his thoughts and spoke of a fire he was involved with.
He and his wife of 30 years Suzanne, they are both pastors and take comfort and pride in their relationship as well as their connection to the community
If you see him, please give him a Conshohocken welcome.