Talkin’ Music with Jack… T.V. Shows Theme Songs, Part 2
October 2, 2014
This & That by Jack Coll
October 10, 2014We need a little help…

I’m Looking For A Little Help
Maybe You Got What It Takes
Jack and Brian have been working diligently on a book due for release sometime in 2015, when we pinpoint a date we will be sure to post. As usual the research on this publication goes back several years, we have been working for more than a year assembling the book.
The title of the book is, “Conshohocken in Pictures and Short Stories.” It’s a sister publication of “Tales of Conshohocken and Beyond.” The book should come in at between 550 to 600 pages, with approximately 1400 photographs. (Strictly a guess, at this time our best guess-ta-meant)
One of the segments planned for the book is “Corner Stores and Family Owned Businesses,” in Conshohocken and West Conshohocken. We are looking for anyone who owned a small store, had a parent or relative who owned or rented a small or corner store. We are looking for photographs of the store, from the outside, inside, customers, relatives or friends in the store, or maybe standing in front of the store.
Any photographs submitted will be considered for publication but of course we don’t guarantee the use of the photographs. If you can provide a good clear photograph of a corner store, chances are it will be used. We will need to borrow the photograph to scan it and then it will be returned to you in most cases the same day.
The sites of corner stores can recall a lot of memories by a lot of current and past residents. In the book we will list dozens of corner stores going back a hundred years, many of them with photographs.
As usual the book will tell a great history of our town, we will be using past and current photographs, with short stories.
Jack and Brian have been involved in more than a dozen local books and several documentary films.
We look forward to hearing from you, but please remember, do not respond on our Facebook, please write via E-Mail at [email protected] or by calling Jack at 610-825-7072. Thank you.