The Lee Way; Some Pretty Interesting Stuff
April 16, 2014Relay For Life and Boy George
May 6, 2014This & That by Jack Coll

A Little Bit of This & A Little Bit of That
And maybe a few other Things Thrown In
By Jack Coll
The “This & That” column is made up of short segments of things I have run across while researching other projects. Coll’s Custom Framing is currently working on a sister book to “Tales Of Conshohocken And Beyond,” while researching information for the new book, “Conshohocken in Pictures & Short Stories,” I thought it would be fun to share brief tid-bits with you, so enjoy. Most of the tid-bits are taken from the old Conshohocken Recorder newspapers, (1869-2008) and can be very enjoyable.
August 4, 1964
Flocco Nearing Babe Ruth Title
With only one game remaining on their schedule and leading the league by only a half game the Flocco Shoe Store nine can clinch the regular season title in the Conshohocken Babe Ruth League if it can defeat the American Legion in this last contest. Most recent Flocco’s is 7-2 while second place TK Club is 7-3 for the season. The TK Club’s season is over.
Dan Nelson pitched the win for the Shoe Store nine while Ed Burton gave up only three hits but fell victim to a number of errors to take the loss. Mick Farrell with two hits starred for the losers, while Tom Grayauskie, and Dan Nelson led the winners hitting attack.
July 2, 1964
Conshohocken’s Ruth All-Stars
The Conshohocken Babe Ruth All-Star Team which will compete in the Phoenixville Babe Ruth Holiday Tournament this weekend has been completed.
The roster lists Daniel Nelson, Felix Salvi, Charles Jefferies, John McGrath, Ralph Spanish, Thomas Grayuskie, Joseph Iacovitti, Thomas Tadeo, Wayne Sibole, Thomas Wesley, Edward Ricci, Chester Orzech, Frank and Chester Grabewski.
Conshy will tangle with the Phoenixville All-Stars in Friday night’s second game.
Saturday, October 8, 1870
James Tracy
Dealer In
Flour, Feed, Grain & Coal
Elm Street, below Harry, Conshohocken Pa.
I take this method of informing my friends and the public generally
that I have constantly on hand a good article of:
Extra Family Flour
Together with a well assorted stock of
Feed, Grain and Coal
The coal is of the best quality for family use sold by the car or single ton
Every load is carefully screened before leaving the yard
May 1950
I was just flipping through the 1950 Conshohocken Centennial Official Souvenir Program,
which by the way would have cost you a quarter if you had purchased one back then
and I ran across a few advertisements I thought were interesting, see if you agree.
Lions Club of Conshohocken
Philips & Co Furniture-Appliances-Gifts
W. C. Hamilton and Sons-Manufacturers of Fine Paper, Miquon, Pa
Fayette Motor Company Inc-Ford Sales and Service
Mickey Mouse Inn-Steaks, Seafood At Its Best! Germantown Pike and Joshua Road
Acme Super Markets and American Stores
H. C. Jones Company-Textiles
Carr Brothers-Cleaners and Dyers
Neil C. O’Brien-Atlantic Service Station
John Wood Company
Moser Glass Works
The First National Bank of Conshohocken
The Auch Interboro Transit Co.
Walker of Conshohocken-Manufacturers of Electrical Conductors
Bentley Harris Manufacturing Co.-Manufacturers of Tubing and Sleeving for Electrical Insulation
William H. Wallace-Jewelers and Silversmiths
Rafferty’s Pharmacy-Prescriptions, Drugs, Cosmetics
Baldwin Flowers
Jones Motor Company-Plymouth and DeSoto
William C. Koch-Sunoco Service
Freas Glass Works-Thermometers-Hydrometers
Kehoe Brothers Hardware
E. F. Moore-Oldsmobile and Chevrolet
Samuel M. Glass Agency
The Beaver Press-Conshohocken and Norristown Printers
Hale Fire Pump Company
Merion Worsted Mills-West Conshohocken Pa
James A. Lynch-Conshohocken Realtor
A & P Stores-Serving Conshohocken since 1917
F. and J. H. Davis-Dealer in Coal, Ice and Fuel Oil
J. A. Warrell-Auto and Home Supplies-Washers, Television, Refrigerators, & Tires
Andorra Nurseries, Inc
Fried Theatre Management Co.-Riant and Forrest Theatres
Wm. Davis Jr. and Company-Building Supplies & Fuel
The Recorder Publishing Company
Conshohocken Federal Savings and Loan Association
Reilly-Whiteman-Walton Co.-Industrial Oils
G. and W. H. Corson, Inc.-America’s Oldest Lime Manufactures
Howard D. Vandegrift-Laboratory Glass
So what do all these Conshohocken and vicinity businesses have in common that existed here more than 60 years ago? They’re all gone, the businesses listed below were part of the Centennial Program and I think still exist in some fashion today.
William T. Ardell-Funeral Director
William A. Moore-Funeral Director
Hague Brothers-Florists, Growers and Designers
Samuel W. DeMedio-Realtor
Conshohocken Rotary Club
National Paint Center
May 26, 1908
J. W. Mooney, of Third Avenue, the florist, has received the contract from the Hancock Post No. 259 of New York City, to decorate for Memorial Day, at Montgomery Cemetery, Norristown. The floral designs are very handsome that are to be placed on the tomb.
Also May 26, 1908
Frank Jaquett, age 17 years, of this borough, went before Magistrate O. F. Lenhardt of Norristown, Saturday morning and surrendered himself. He is charged with being one of the youths who several weeks ago broke open a car on the Reading Railway at Spring Mill and stole a quantity of whiskey. Jaquett furnished bail for his appearance at the June term of court. Four other youths are at present awaiting trial on this charge.
March 26, 1909
A prominent Fayette Street business man had his store and dwelling equipped with a fine, loud burglar alarm. Last night about 11:30 o’clock the officers on Fayette Street heard a pistol shot. They ran to the scene of the commotion and found a very much excited man. He and his family quickly arose when the alarm went off, and the merchant grabbing his revolver shot out a back window at what he supposed to be a fleeing man. Investigation showed all doors and windows to be securely locked and no signs of having been tampered with. There was a high wind blowing last night which was sufficient to rattle the shutters hard enough to set off a burglar alarm if it is as sensitive as the wide-awake merchant.
January 6, 1922
Boy Has Narrow Escape
Leroy Todd, eight years old, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Todd, residing on West Tenth Avenue, had a narrow escape from drowning with he broke through the ice while on Potts quarry on Monday afternoon.
The ice was filled with young people who were enjoying the sport immensely. Young Todd glided over the glassy surface covering what is supposed to be the deepest part of the quarry when the ice broke and he went through. Fortunately the boy had gone far enough over for his foot to strike a huge stone in the bank where the descent is very steep. Skaters hurried to his assistance and dragged him from his perilous position.
When the boy was removed the place was examined and it was found that had his foot slipped from the stone he would have plunged out of sight and drowned before help could have reached him.
An Automobile belonging to Warren Bodey was pressed into service and the boy was wrapped in a heavy blanket and rushed to his home where he was provided with dry clothing.
July 3, 1979
Runaway Truck Hits Cars
The hill on East 9th Avenue in Conshohocken will not be remembered as a “sunny slope” by a Norristown milkman after an apparently defective brake resulted in an eight vehicle accident early last Friday morning.
Conshohocken police report that a milk truck parked on the hill by driver Harry H. Ludwig at approximately 4:30 a. m. slipped its brake and rolled down the hill backwards in the 100 block of East Ninth Avenue.
The truck struck seven parked cars, causing extensive damage to all.
Four of the vehicles were owned by Edward and Robert Phipps, 126 East Ninth Avenue. Other vehicles damaged were owned by William Davis, West Conshohocken, and Margaret Buescher, 142 East Ninth Avenue.
The milk truck was operated by Sunny Slope Dairies of Spring City
June 5, 1908
The A. O. H. pool team lost the second game of a series with the Plymouth Fire Company team on Tuesday last at O’Neill’s pool parlor. The A. O. H. team were somewhat disappointed in losing the game, as they felt confident of winning. The firemen are willing to give the A. O. H. boys another chance to regain their lost laurels. The score of Tuesday’s games follows: P. F. C.—Murphy 42, Albright 33, Hoffman 50, O’Neill 50. A. O. H.—Kelly 50, Lacey 50, Wesley 26, O’Bryne 27.
January 19, 1961
Kenny Breaks 1,000 Point Barrier at St. Matthew’s
St. Matthew’s High School has a new all-time high-scoring basketball champion, Ben Kenny, long a standout player on local courts, has established himself as one of Conshohocken’s foremost athletic stars.
Kenny rewrote St. Matthew’s scoring records on Sunday when he crashed through the 1000 point career total barrier. He netted 32 points as the Saints overwhelmed St. Katherine High, of Wayne, 70-49.
The six footer needed only four points to hit the magic 1000 mark as the game began. And before the first period was over, a jump shot wished through the cords to bring his total to 1,001 and the crowd to their feet with tumultuous applause.
Kenny already holds the record at St. Matthew’s for high individual score in one game—41 points scored last year against Bethlehem Catholic.
August 9, 1962
James Ingram—New Patrolman
James Ingram, 32, a war veteran and fireman was unanimously elected to the Conshohocken Police department by Borough Council last night to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Officer Peter Vennera, effected tomorrow.
Ingram, a veteran of the Korean conflict, who was wounded in action, is a driver for the Washington Fire Company Rescue squad. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Ingram, of Gallagher Rd., Plymouth Meeting, formerly of Conshohocken.
Was it really 40 years ago?
Who Remembers?
Durbas Shoes
400 East Hector Street
Palazzo Brothers TV Repairs
918 Forrest Street
Carol’s Beef & Ale
Spring Mill Avenue & Tenth Avenue
Conshohocken Exxon
7th Avenue and Fayette Street
Charlie Hicks Store
70 Fayette Street
Ben Pilla Speed Shop
117 Fayette Street
B & M Auto Parts
6th & Maple Street
Adam F. Mackiewicz
Real Estate
815 Fayette Street
Tony’s Beauty Salon
Complete Wig Services
9th & Jones
The Chemical Exterminating Company
111 West Third Avenue
Williams Radio and TV
Corner of Hector and Walnut Street
Kehoe Hardware
109 Fayette Street
Anthony Smolczynski
Funeral Home
219 Elm Street
Conshohocken News Agency
105 Fayette Street
Sergio’s Tailor Shop
515 Fayette Street
Conshohocken Hardware
904 Fayette Street
Duke Fair’s Gulf
5th and Fayette Street
(Currently Bob Wilson’s Gulf)
Rafferty’s Pharmacy
57 Fayette Street
National Paint Center
8 E. Second Avenue
DeMarco’s Tavern
822 Fayette Street
Bolero’s Pizzeria
824 Fayette Street
(Currently Pasta Via)
Conshohocken Italian Bakery
79 Jones Street
Elaine’s Restaurant
11 E. Hector Street
Edward B. Russell
Funeral Home
925 Fayette Street
Anytime Saloon
Seventh Avenue and Maple Street
Richie’s Steak Shop
120 Ford Street
(Formerly Al & Kays)
(If you remember all of the businesses listed above,
That means you’re getting old!
If you only remember some of the businesses listed above,
That means you’re getting old and have a loss of memory!
Hope you enjoyed this week’s version of “This & That”
See ya in a week or so
This week’s “This & That” has been brought to you by
First Guaranty Mortgage Corporation &
Siletta Plumbing Heating & Cooling