The Voice & Sam Cooke
January 2, 2014
Talkin’ Music with Jack – 1/8/2014
January 8, 2014This & That 1/7/2014
This & That is exactly what the title says, it’s a little bit of this, and a little bit of that and is a regular column that appears exclusively at Conshystuff.com. Feel free to comment or share your thoughts, enjoy the memories.
December 24, 2013
With the opening of the West Elm Street Bridge on Christmas Eve locals once again had access to the historic Mansion House. I was just wondering if anyone remembers the Curve Inn once located in Connaughtown when it was operated by Ralph Sperlunto back in the early 1960’s.
July 4, 1972
Just wondering if anyone recalls watching the 1972 Soap Box Derby Race on Fayette Street when Donald Schwartz, Ronnie Alexander, Gary Bowe, Fred Kelly, Pete Davis, Donna Donovan, Frank Pfanders, Billy Mellon, Walt Schank, Ted Zoltowski, Tish Schank, Joanne Schaffer, Bob Carroll, Jim Rees, Dennis Burns and many other kids participated in the race more than 40 years ago.
I just wanted to mention a few businesses that were around more than a few years ago, like Walt’s Sport Shop at 256 Spring Mill Avenue, Baldwin Flowers, Malley’s Beef & Ale at Tenth Avenue and Spring Mill Avenue, back when Bob Burt was running the Forrest Street Garage. Just wondering who might have used Mary Maloney Catering for their wedding or event. Back in 1972 Dougherty’s Pharmacy was still selling drugs at the corner of Fourth Avenue and Fayette Street. Do I have to mention where Big John’s Café was located, I didn’t think so, but I will tell you that Johnny Cross American Italian Restaurant was located at 500 West Ridge Pike. Maybe just a few more, is there anyone else out there that wish Bill Danitz was still running the 401 Diner, and I can remember taking my son to get his hair cut at Joe Camaioni’s Barber Shop at 517 Fayette Street. Remember when Paul Pilecki was running his Arco Station out at North Lane, Charles was still providing stylish haircuts at 324 Fayette Street, did anyone ever go to Rooney’s, The Rising Sun Tavern on West River Drive in West Conshohocken, or shopped for meats at Youngs Discount Meats once located at 114 Fayette Street. All this food talk makes me think about the Wagon Wheel Inn once located out on the Ridge, Perseo’s Luncheonette at 822 Fayette Street, or the Fayette Grille located next to Perseo’s Luncheonette.
October 24, 1963
Officers of Conshohocken Council 1603, Knights of Columbus gathered for the first meeting of the 1963-64 administration, held at the Council Home, Ninth and Spring Mill Avenues. Attending the event included Francis McDonald, James Craven, Charles Kelly, Donald Moser, Robert Carroll, Joseph Thomas, Martin Bangert, James Louge, David Carroll, Anthony Stempo, and Walter Schank.
July 23, 1929
Roy Nester of Spring Mill Avenue was awarded the contract to lay a cement walk along the Hallowell Street side of the Mary H. Wood Park at a meeting of the Park Commission. The contract price was $370.00. The walk is 340 feet in length and five feet in width.
July 23, 1929
Tent Services Begin Sunday
Home Missionary Society of Conshohocken to Conduct Summer Revival Campaign
A three week evangelistic campaign was opened Sunday Morning by the Home Missionary Society of Conshohocken in a large tent at Cedar Grove Road and Conshohocken Pike with Rev. Harry Thompson, Pastor of Harmanville in charge.
November 21, 1963
Hockey Team Undefeated
The Plymouth Whitemarsh Colonialettes completed the first undefeated hockey season in the history of the school when they triumphed over Norristown High School. Twenty seconds after the starting whistle blew, Co-Captain Maria Culp scored the first goal. In the second half, Norristown Eaglettes scored, but P-W’s Sue Aschmann scored to win the game for the Colonialettes 2-1. P-W defeated Upper Darby 1-0, Methacton 1-0, Lower Merion 1-0, Abington 5-1, Cheltenham 3-0, Haverford 1-0, (they were undefeated until they played P-W), Springfield 3-0, and Norristown 2-1. The high scorer for the season was Junior Sue Aschmann with eight of the 17 goals scored for the season. Pam Rogers scored four, Seniors Marla Culp three, Nadine Brett one, and Janice Canavan one. Seniors Culp and Canavan were Co-Captains.
November 14, 1930
Conshohocken Recorder Ad
Play Golf
Washita Indoor Course
6th Ave. & Harry St., Consho
18Hole—A Complete Course
Now In Progress
Qualify between now and Nov. 12th
3 Prizes In Gold
Adults—25 Cents Children—15c
December 17, 1964
Fall Sports Programs Nearing Its Close
The Fall sports program at the Fellowship House of Conshohocken will officially come to a close next week as the regular season schedule will end with playoffs. A total of 44 teams took part in the season’s program with only one team still sporting a perfect undefeated record and they are the Globetrotters in the girls Basketball League.
The Basketteers edged the Bouncing Balls by a 7-6 score. Michele Dennis with 5 points and Margaret Phipps with the remaining two points paced the winners attack while Pamala Osinski with four points and Barbara Grayauski with the remaining two points. Donna Clemens, Kay Sztubinski, and Nancy Cory Starred in the backcourt for the winners.
High scorers in the kickball league included Mark Mastroni, John Burno, Jack Fiorelli, Matt D’Annunizo, Bob Priest, Keith Malentonio, Bob Dempsey, Randy Welcer, Mike Metz, Dave Racich, Don Roberts, Gary Winston, Garry Babbs, Bart Lauchner, Larry Random, Carl Malentonio, Dick Tancini, Dom Carmenico, Joe Martella, Tony Alexander, Frank Budzilowitz, Ray Alexander, Steve Graham, Shawn Hartshaw, Frank Borzelleca, Mike Manzi, Dave McEvoy, Charley Montemurro, John Giandonato, Franny Marcucci, Joe Martinelli, Ed Pinkos, Tom Deuber, and Mike Pettine.
March 24, 1936
Noisy Robbers Draw Shots
Shattered Glass in Store Door Early This Morning at Spring Mill
Awaken Owner—Shots fired at Three Fleeing in Car
Three potential robbers were so clumsy breaking glass in a door to gain entrance to a Spring Mill Ice Cream/Cigar Store at 4am today they awoke virtually the whole neighborhood and were forced to flee without loot amidst the shots.
James Carter proprietor of the store located at 821 East Hector Street Whitemarsh Township fired several shots from an automatic rifle at the sedan in which the trio of would-be robbers sped away in the direction of Conshohocken after having been detected in the act of committing their crime. The three young bandits left behind their tools and got away with nothing.
Just a Few Norristown
Times Herald Ads from 1959
Chatlins, for 67 years Norristown’s Leading Department Store—Main & Mill Street
M. R. Kurtz Son—“Seafood Exclusively” 58 East Marshall Street
Brockton, Famous Brand Shoes—79 East Main Street
Novell’s—54 East Main Street
Block’s Department Store–11-25 West Main Street
The Boys’ Tile & Linoleum—136 West Main Street
Cooper’s Children’s Centers—40 East Main Street
Fashion Centre—40 East Main Street
W. T. Grant Co—58 East Main Street
Jackman’s—6 East Main Street
Jaffes—318 DeKalb Street
L & H Wonder Store—Main & DeKalb Street
Martin’s Department Store—262 East Main Street
Morley’s—81 East Main Street
Myers’ Drug Store—328 DeKalb street
National Paint Center—217-219 West Main Street
SD. Pagel & Son Shoe Store—44 East Main Street
Bud White Men’s Shop—Valley Forge Hotel
F. W. Woolworths Co.—70 East Main Street
Spillane’s—Norristown, Bridgeport, Jeffersonville
Schettone’s Italian Food Market—201 DeKalb Street
Sa’Mar Bridal Shoppe—620 West Main Street
Harry Rosenberger Fine Meats—DeKalb & Airy Streets
Haley’s Paint Store—331 Cherry Street
Kramer’s General Store—162 West Main Street
Mariani’s Bantam Market—Lafayette & Noble St
McCoy’s Music & Appliance Store—408 DeKalb Street
Fred’s Diner—1401 Ridge Pike
Eskin’s Hardware Co.—Marshall & Chain Street
DeJohn Steak Shop—DeKalb & Fourth Street
Danny’s Diner—1 DeKalb Street
Chick’s Baum Gardens—1316 Ridge Pike
Baron’s Gate Canteen—Stanbridge & Sterigere Streets
1959 Chatlin’s Department Store Annual Doll Show
Twelve Year Old Helena Romano, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Romano, 1327 Colwell Lane took top honors in the hand-made doll classification. Helena topped more than 350 entrants as more than 1,000 spectators looked on at Elmwood Park at the Chatlin’s Annual Doll Show.