People of Conshohocken – Jason Getchell
January 12, 2017
People of Conshohocken – Girl Scout Gia
January 26, 2017Thank you Harvey Buek, Good Luck Ray Sokolowski – Public Works

Thank you Harvey Buek, for years of service to Conshohocken
Good Luck Ray
by Brian Coll
Yesterday, there was another peaceful exchange of power, right here in Conshohocken. While this doesn’t compare to what took place in Washington D.C., it probably affects more of us in our day to day lives. Harvey Buek, head of the Conshohocken Public Works for years retired. Ray Sokolowski will be the new man in charge of the Borough’s day to day operations of the Public Works Department.
I personally think Harvey did an outstanding job. As a resident, Harvey answered all of my concerns with trash and recycling pick ups over the years, he would let me know how to go about getting large items removed as well as answer my calls when I was looking to let residents know what day trash was being picked up during the holidays and such. Harvey attended the monthly borough council meetings and always had an answer for the residents who may have had a question for him. In addition to Harvey being an outstanding person for the job he had, he would always show up at the local events. He took pride in his job and loved this borough. I want to wish him all the best in his retirement.
While Harvey was the head of the Conshohocken Public Works, it of course is not a one man show and Harvey had a fantastic crew of guys. These men really do everything. They are the guys you see cutting the grass at the local parks, the guys who paint the lines on the streets, the guys who set up the barricades in order to have all of the public events throughout the borough. Of course these are the guys who go above and beyond picking up your trash and recycling on a weekly basis. I have seen many of these guys chase debris down the street on windy days, they take pride in what they do. Many of them are residents here just like you and want to see our borough look as good as it can.
I have got to know Ray over the years in his roles throughout the borough in the code and inspection department. I think Ray is a fine choice to replace Harvey in his new role. I want to wish him the best of luck.