People of Conshohocken – Kevin Lukens
December 3, 2016
Sutcliffe Park Gets a Facelift By Jack Coll
December 27, 2016Strange, Sad Week in Conshohocken
Strange, Sad Week in Conshohocken
by Brian Coll
Bad news hit Conshohocken hard this week.
In short there was a fire at a local restaurant (Win Wah on Fayette) and a murder.
The reason for this short article is not to dwell on the facts of these happenings, but to explain our coverage of these happenings.
We have been involved in this community for about 40 years in one way or another. We know so many of you through Little League, local schools, church events, Golden Bears Football, the Fellowship House, the local parks, the events throughout the community. The car show, the funfest, events at the library and so on…… That we respect you so much that we never want to be the bearer of bad news. In the incidents listed above, someone lost a friend, a family member. It could be a mom or a child, it could be a dad or a brother…. I don’t know if you want to hear that from Conshystuff.com. When a fire hits, someone is losing their belongings, memories, a house or business they worked hard to build.
In many cases we do hear about news sooner than most people. We have a store on Fayette Street, we see the fire engines or police cars race by, we see friends getting into gear to go deal with an emergency. We want our friends in the emergency fields to be able to do their job. If we post about something on Facebook it is generally a “please avoid this area and let the people responding to the call to do their jobs” One, that allows someone who is trained to go to the area a little faster and maybe help save a life, Two, it may keep you a little safer by avoiding the area.
Early on Friday I heard a name associated with the murder. It took my breath away. I did not want that to happen to anyone else until the proper time. As it turns out, one of the early names being associated with the death was the wrong name, thank god I didn’t share that name publicly. I would not want anyone else to go through what I went through that day thinking they lost a dear friend. In the end, when the name was released (not by us) this news hit a number of people hard. People lost a best friend or a family member and many knew the nice lady from her walks around town. We are sorry for her families and friends loss, you are truly in our thoughts and prayers.
We are a small close knit community. I would like to believe we have more good news here than bad. I would like to continue to keep providing our readers with good news. We are probably one of the most generous communities in America. We take care of our own. We have amazing volunteer fire companies, we have countless volunteers for one reason or another all over the community.
Thank you for checking us out. Thank you for allowing us to keep doing what we love. Good news, good stuff around our community with an occasional trip down memory lane with our throwback photos or old stories.
Thank you from the Coll Family.