People of Conshohocken – SANTA!!!! I Know Him!
November 25, 2016
People of Conshohocken – Kevin Lukens
December 3, 2016Santa came to Conshohocken last night- 2016 photos
Santa visited old Borough Hall – Photos
by Brian Coll
photos by Jack Coll
Our community was visited by non other than Santa Claus himself last night. A light drizzle didn’t stop a large crowd from gathering to greet the big guy. Santa flew into town and parked his reindeer and sleigh at a secret location and had some of the areas finest firemen and women give him a ride up Fayette Street to old borough hall at 8th and Fayette.
The Conshohocken Ambucs and Mayor Bob Frost and the Special Events Committee hosted the event which included FREE refreshments.
Santa climbed a ladder into the building and along the way helped magically light the Christmas Tree.
Here are some photos from the event, if you see yourself, your children or a friend please tag yourself in the Facebook comments. If you see a great one feel free to share it on Facebook. If you want to get one framed stop by Coll’s Custom Framing 324 Fayette Street.