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February 25, 2021Saint Marks Easter Egg Sale – The Tradition Lives On!

Saint Marks Easter Egg Sale – The Tradition Lives on!
by Brian Coll
We are so excited! This past year has been full of so many changes and challenges. The folks at Saint Mark’s have been working hard trying to figure out how to have their annual Easter egg Sale and they figured it out with the help of localish candy maker.
When my phone rang and it was Donna Kobi on the other end telling me about the Egg Sale and some details I was thrilled. Everyone at the church worked hard to keep the tradition alive. While I haven’t been buying the eggs there for over 100 years… I know I have loved them for the past 40 years or so. It’s an amazing tradition and I am so glad they found a way to keep it going.
You still have the three varieties in my favorite Peanut Butter, Mint or Coconut. The price this year is $12.50 (you get your monies worth!) It’s easy to order…. and according to Pastor Bryan it will be easy to pick up. Once you place your order, expect a phone call when they have your order ready. There will be timed slots to pick up to keep everyone safe by not overcrowding the pick up area.
While I was talking to Pastor Bryan, he was quick to point out all of the volunteers that have made this possible for 100+ years. He was really thankful that so many people in the community reached out asking if the sale was going to take place this year. Without the people ordering this tradition may have had to take a year off, but so many people both in the congregation and the community inquired about the Easter eggs that they came up with a plan.
Pastor Bryan rattled off a bunch of people that were integral in making this year possible and I know I am going to leave a name or two out (I’m sorry) but he was very thankful for the help of Donna Kobi (egg coordinator) Joanne Popowicz, Pam Keebler and Karen Hanna.
What’s different this year in the eggs themselves? Not much…. the chocolate that you know and love is being used. The filing may be a touch softer and according to at least one person who was able to taste test, they really liked the taste.. and I don’t want to start any trouble, but this one unnamed person liked the Covid edition maybe a little more than the traditional Easter egg.
Here’s a little bit from the website and we’ll post your link to order (we placed an order today and it was super easy)
Easter Egg Candy Sale
St. Mark’s is known far and wide as the “Easter Egg” Church, for the past 100 years St. Mark’s has been making Easter Egg candies as a fundraiser to support the church.

It is no surprise that this year has been a truly extraordinary one due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. The pandemic has affected all of us and so it also is impacting our Easter Egg Candy production and sales this year. Given current Health Department guidelines, there is no way for us to safely gather to make the candies at our church the way we traditionally do this year. But we don’t want the tradition to go away!!!
This year we have partnered with Evan’s Candies to help us safely produced Easter Eggs that we are calling our “COVID Edition” eggs. They will be similar to our eggs, but not exact. They will utilize many of our ingredients, but they will be made at their candy factory to reduce our volunteer hours. We see this as a way to also help out local businesses that are also impacted by the pandemic and create a small fundraiser for our church.
We will still have coconut, mint, and peanut butter eggs available for sale. And due to the partnership we have had to increase our price to $12.50 a box.
Orders are still going to be filled on a first come, first serve basis, so getting your orders in early is the best way to ensure that your orders will be filled this year.
Thanks for your support amid this extraordinary year and have a blessed and holy Lent and Easter!
If you have questions about your order, please contact us [email protected] or via the church office 610.828.0581Place your 2021 Order for COVID Edition Easter Eggs
Best of luck this year to Saint Mark’s and everyone making this possible.