History of a House – 213 Spring Mill Avenue – Home to Francis “Bunny” Blake
September 30, 2023
Shop, Eat & Treat This Saturday
October 24, 2023SaiGon Noodle Kitchen Soft Opening

SaiGon Noodle Kitchen Soft Opening
By Brian Coll

I’m going to overshare here, I had lunch or dinner here the first three days they were open. It was delicious and I plan on continuing to go in the future. I do want to point out, it is still their soft opening and they are finding their way. I had a friend who couldn’t get through on the phone lines so she went down to order in person. I guess I’m saying, be understanding if you can’t get through on the phone, or if there is something wrong with your order.
They are located at 103 Fayette Street, a couple doors away from the Boathouse. They have seating for about 15 people inside and offer a great take out service. For the next week or so they are offering a discount as they get going.
My family loved it, my co workers loved it, I loved it, can’t wait to go back soon.
Best of luck to the owners and staff, welcome to Conshohocken!

While we have you, there is a fun event coming up on October 28th, Discover Conshohocken is hoping you walk around Conshohocken, visit some shops or eateries. A large number of businesses will be giving out treats and might have some tables set up out front. It’s called Shop, Eat & Treat. Hope to see you out there.