People of Conshohocken – Neiko Francescon – Fisherman
September 18, 2023
Shirt of the Month – Throwbacks
September 28, 2023SaiGon Noodle Kitchen – New Vietnamese Restaurant – Opening Soon

SaiGon Noodle Kitchen – New Vietnamese Restaurant – Opening Soon
by Brian Coll

I walked past yesterday and it looks like it is coming along. Signage is in place, hours are on the door. The website for the new restaurant is in place but offers no actual information at this point. All I know so far is that it is located at 103 Fayette Street by Mochi Ring Donuts and the Boathouse. I also know my wife is going to be happy when we try it out one day in the near future!
While we have you here… a few cool events coming up soon. October 7th, Fall into Conshy. This event from 1st to about 6th Ave will feature artists and crafters outside some of your favorite local brick and mortar shops and eateries along Fayette Street. It’s a great day to check out some creative people as well as visit your favorite, or find a new shop or eatery.
This one sounds cool… Shop, Eat & Treat on October 28th. This event is not meant to take over the traditional trick or treating done on Halloween, it is meant to get people and families walking around our great borough. From 10-4, visit the businesses around the borough. Discover Conshohocken is encouraging all businesses to hand out treats that day. If you or your kids want to dress up (even your fur babies) and walk around, it should be a festive day.
And, one more date to save…. Conshohocken Adult Prom will be held on February 24th 2024 at the Great American Pub. This event has been so much fun over the past few years and helps raise thousands of dollars for local charities. We’ll have ticket info and the theme soon.