Shirt of the Month
January 10, 2023
Thank You Conshy!
January 21, 2023Sadly, Ashley’s Deli has Closed

Sadly, Ashley’s Deli has Closed
by Brian Coll
The other day we posted on our Facebook page that Ashley’s Deli at 9th and Fayette was temporarily closed for a few weeks. A friend let us know that on their website it said they were permanently closed. I reached out to Aashley herself for confirmation, and sadly that is the case. She let me know that business hasn’t been the same since covid. Ashley wanted to thank the Conshohocken community for our support since she took over 4 years ago. It breaks her heart to have to close.
Miss the pork? Check with Whole Foods who might still be selling the famous Mastrocola pork that was made famous at 9th and Fayette years ago.
While we got you…. the Conshy Adult Prom is coming up February 25th. The committee is holding A Night at Studio 54, tickets are $100 and the event raises money for 3 local charities. It is a great night out! Tickets are available in person at Coll’s Custom Framing or online here: A Night at STUDIO 54 – Conshohocken Adult Prom Tickets, Sat, Feb 25, 2023 at 7:00 PM | Eventbrite