People of Conshohocken – Chablis and Daysha
April 20, 2017
Oldest Building in Conshohocken – Do YOU Recognize It?
April 22, 2017People of Conshohocken – Vince Flocco

People of Conshohocken – Vince Flocco
by Brian Coll
This is part of our People of Conshohocken series…
We have close to 10,000 people in our borough, add in the residents of West Conshohocken, Plymouth, Whitemarsh and Lafayette Hill and we have a large community. Some of the people that will be featured will be well known in the area, some will have just moved into the area, some will have been here their entire lives. Some of them may be business owners, or people who walk around the area, or maybe work in the area. Maybe you know them, maybe you don’t. Everyone has a story. While we are only going to take their picture and maybe ask a question or two, we want to share these stories with you.
It’s funny, if you read the description above about the people of Conshohocken I think Vince Flocco falls into most of those things listed….. Well known in the area, lived here his entire life, business owner, someone who walks around the area, maybe you know him…. The name Flocco has been associated with Conshohocken for 90 years now that his family owned shoe and clothing store has been in business that long. I think I’ve even heard the term Floccocken when people speak of the Flocco family and the roots they have here. Before I get to Vince, the entire Flocco family has been good to Conshohocken, and while we are doing this People of Conshohocken on Vince, his entire family deserves a round of applause and a thank you from us as a borough for all that they have done and continue to do for our community.
Community is what brought Vince Flocco into our shop the other day. He was there to talk about the Restaurant Rally. If you have never heard of this or taken part in it, don’t wait any longer. It is a hell of a time. About 15 restaurants participate in a one day Restaurant Rally. This is the 11th year. Tickets are $60 and you can call 610-828-6904 for tickets or stop by Flocco’s Shoe and Clothing Store on lower Fayette Street. The event kicks off at the Great American Pub and you can walk or catch a bus all over and make sure you stop in every place for what food they are offering up. The are some amazing things to try on this day. The date is Sunday May 21st. The proceeds from the day go to the AMBUCS sponsored Special Olympic Programs. Vince told me that the Special Olympic Programs cost around $30,000 each year in our community so the Restaurant Rally is a big help.
Back to Vince…. actually… before I really get back to Vince. Debbie…… I have to mention Debbie and thank Debbie. Debbie is Vince’s lovely wife. She should really be getting the credit for the Restaurant Rally. Debbie has worked on it since day 1 along with Vince and Tom Wcislo among others.
Okay, now Vince…. If you know Vince, you know his love and passion for the Conshohockens. You can thank Vince at each and every Funfest you go to in Conshohocken. Vince was on the initial planning and I think he had a hand in just about every Funfest since 1993… Vince has been fitting people with shoes since he was about 3 years old. Okay, maybe a bit of a stretch, but I bet Vince was working in the family business since about that age, picking stuff up off the floor, carrying things from here to there and so on. Back in the day it was located at 119 Fayette before moving to it’s current location. Vince was and is a charter member of the AMBUCS from 1977 when the local chapter was formed. Before getting involved in all things Conshohocken, Vince spent a little time on the football field at Archbishop Kennedy and played games at the A – Field. Vince and Debbie have been married for about 20 years now and have a couple of good kids.
I know Vince well and am proud to call him a friend. Vince and I have worked together on the Funfest for a number of years at all the different locations the event was held, Fayette Street, the A Field, Sutcliffe Park… Vince has also volunteered with the Special Olympics for years now. Early on at one of the first Funfest meetings I attended I remember Vince bringing one or both of the girls and it took me back to when my dad Jack would bring me to one meeting or another. I learned early in life what it meant to be a volunteer and I think the world needs more people like Vince Flocco. Vince Thank you. Thanks for being my friend, thanks for being a friend to all of Conshohocken.
We are about 10 days away from placing the order for the Conshohocken and West Conshohocken Books being printed. Give us a call at 610-825-7072 to place your order. 2 book set, maybe a good Mothers Day or Fathers Day gift and the 2nd one comes out near Christmas.