Fall into Conshy and Shop, Eat & Treat (details here)
September 13, 2023
SaiGon Noodle Kitchen – New Vietnamese Restaurant – Opening Soon
September 28, 2023People of Conshohocken – Neiko Francescon – Fisherman

People of Conshohocken – Neiko Francescon – fisherman
We have close to 10,000 people in our borough, add in the residents of West Conshohocken, Plymouth, Whitemarsh and Lafayette Hill and we have a large community. Some of the people that will be featured will be well known in the area, some will have just moved into the area, some will have been here their entire lives. Some of them may be business owners, or people who walk around the area, or maybe work in the area. Maybe you know them, maybe you don’t. Everyone has a story. While we are only going to take their picture and maybe ask a question or two, we want to share these stories with you.

I’ve wanted to stop this dude so many times when I see him walking on Fayette Street. Chances are you have probably seen him too! He’s always carrying two or three fishing rods. His name is Neiko and you might see him if you shop at 7-11. I stopped him as he was walking home after a day of fishing and we got talking. He’s been walking a couple miles a day, just about everyday to go fish in the Schuylkill River. So of course the first question I asked him was…..catch anything? His answer, yes. I caught some small mouth bass. I wondered what his biggest catch was and he said 22″, it was about 6 pounds. Upon further questioning, that was his largest small mouth, years ago he caught a giant carp. He told me some other fishermen took a photo of him and that carp years ago…. if it was you, please post it in the comments, he’d love to have a copy of it. His most recent small mouth bass was about 7 pounds and 15″. I asked Neiko what other wildlife and fish he sees here in Conshohocken and he sees beavers from time to time as well as flatheads, luna moths, turtles and carp. He’s been keeping an eye out for muskies, but hasn’t seen one here.
Here’s the thing, I loved meeting Neiko, I could have sat on that bench for a couple hours laughing with him and talking fishing. If you see him, ask him what he caught today. Neiko, thank you. I hope someone sees this article and took that photo years ago and gets it to you. I’m sure you’ll have more big fish to talk about in the near future!
I asked him for a picture or two and he sent me so many!!!! This guy isn’t just telling fish tales, he’s catching them!