People of Conshohocken – Girl Scout Gia
January 26, 2017People of Conshohocken – Fred Kelly
February 25, 2017People of Conshohocken – Mary Duncan
People of Conshohocken – Mary Duncan
by Brian Coll
This is part of our People of Conshohocken series…
We have close to 10,000 people in our borough, add in the residents of West Conshohocken, Plymouth and Whitemarsh and we have a large community. Some of the people that will be featured will be well known in the area, some will have just moved into the area, some will have been here their entire lives. Some of them may be business owners, or people who walk around the area, or maybe work in the area. Maybe you know them, maybe you don’t. Everyone has a story. While we are only going to take their picture and maybe ask a question or two, we want to share these stories with you.

This is Mary Duncan, she is an 81 year old life long resident of Conshohocken. She came by our shop to preorder a set of Conshohocken and West Conshohocken books and we got talking…. well, I should say she started talking and after a few minutes I started writing down certain things she was saying. I want to share a few tidbits with you:
Early on in the conversation she said how the name the Indians had given Conshohocken… Pleasant Valley really fit. At first I of course thought of the land itself how it truly is a pleasant valley, but as she spoke she was talking about how people still hold the door for you here. In her travels she spoke of how nice people are to her around the borough, young, old, new residents and life long residents. She seems to think people are happy being here.
I had a laugh when she was talking about the older residents… how they don’t want to leave, no where else is home. The only way the older folks want to leave Conshohocken is in a box!
She raised a family here and they all love it and call it home. She is proud of her family, really couldn’t say enough good things about them.
I’ll leave you with this…. Mary thanks God everyday for putting her in the right place. Conshohocken. As she has grown she realized she hasn’t wanted anything…. Everything she has needed throughout her life has been here in Conshohocken. Currently those things include being close to the doctors office, a pharmacy, local shops, and of course her church.
Mary, it was a pleasure to see you yesterday, I look forward to catching up with you again in the near future.