People of Conshohocken – Cheryl Ann
March 8, 2016People of Conshohocken – Cameron Smith (you need to see this one)
March 16, 2016People of Conshohocken – Jim McTamney

People of Conshohocken (West Conshohocken) – Jim McTamney
by Brian Coll
This is our seventh installment of our People of Conshohocken series…
We have close to 10,000 people in our borough, add in the residents of West Conshohocken, Plymouth and Whitemarsh and we have a large community. Some of the people that will be featured will be well known in the area, some will have just moved into the area, some will have been here their entire lives. Some of them may be business owners, or people who walk around the area, or maybe work in the area. Maybe you know them, maybe you don’t. Everyone has a story. While we are only going to take their picture and maybe ask a question or two, we want to share these stories with you.
So, I was wandering the street on parade day and I ran into an old friend Jim MCTamney. He was with the lovely Lu Segars, hanging out around 5th Avenue. I got talking to them and found out Jimmy is actually leaving West Conshohocken!!! Now, before you panic, he still works here, loves it here and his heart will always be here. I asked him about some of the Facebook pages he manages, and you know what, they will all stay up, turns out this thing called the internet works from anywhere. So if you follow or check out the following pages, don’t worry they will still be there. The pages are…. West Conshy, You know you’re from West Conshy when, West Conshy Raiders, We survived the Nuns at St. Gert’s and his favorite page I Love the St. Patrick’s Parade in Conshy.
Besides the Facebook stuff, I asked Jimmy about some of his favorite memories… and his eyes lit up talking about the old days exploring the cricks, rivers and quarries around both boroughs. That brought up a whole other conversation about the woods and how things have changed over the years, how little woods are actually left. We talked about going to check out a local property looking for some old graffiti on the rocks, we talked about a few other things…. and we laughed how it seems at every event we always take a photo of each other taking a photo of the other guy!!! And sure enough when I was checking out Facebook later that night I found a photo he posted of me and now I’m posting this photo of him and Lu, today’s person of West Conshohocken. The reason I put it that way…. he lived in West Conshy for a little over 40 years and 21 years on the other side of the bridge…. If you see Jim, talk about some crick you want to explore and wish him well on his move.