People of Conshohocken – The PICKLEMAN
April 1, 2017
People of Conshohocken – Chablis and Daysha
April 20, 2017People of Conshohocken – Frank Licwinko

People of Conshohocken – Frank Licwinko
by Brian Coll
This is part of our People of Conshohocken series…
We have close to 10,000 people in our borough, add in the residents of West Conshohocken, Plymouth, Whitemarsh and Lafayette Hill and we have a large community. Some of the people that will be featured will be well known in the area, some will have just moved into the area, some will have been here their entire lives. Some of them may be business owners, or people who walk around the area, or maybe work in the area. Maybe you know them, maybe you don’t. Everyone has a story. While we are only going to take their picture and maybe ask a question or two, we want to share these stories with you.
I stopped by the Colonial Neighborhood Council today to talk to my old friend Sandi, the director of the Colonial Neighborhood Council or CNC for short. I brought my daughter and we were wandering around the place talking and Sandi introduced me to Frank Licwinko. I know a Frank Licwinko, who is a little younger…. his son. I’m sure I have met his dad Frank before but today we were formally introduced and as we were talking I thought he would ask him a few questions and see if he would be todays People of Conshohocken.
Frank has been a volunteer at the CNC since he retired a few years back. Just recently he took on more of a role at the CNC and helps coordinate the Meals on Wheels. In his new role he is getting to meet a lot of people and he loves the interaction. Frank grew up in Conshohocken down around the 300 block of Spring Mill. His eyes lit up when talking about playing tag with the other kids in the neighborhood. It seems on any given day there were about 15-20 kids involved in one game or another. Some of the neighborhood families included the Gavins, Mascios, and Leonards… His time on Spring Mill was through the 60’s and 70’s before meeting a Conshy girl and getting married. He loved his time at Archbishop Kennedy and going back to Spring Mill Ave, he recalls the parents patrolling the block, making sure all the kids behaved.
As we were wrapping our visit up, he told me his grandmom had needed Meals on Wheels and when he retired he wanted to give back a little bit. Frank, thank you. Thanks for giving back to the community, thanks for being a part of the community. Thanks for taking the time to chat with me and my daughter today.
A quick reminder, we are taking pre orders on a set of books coming out about Conshohocken and West Conshohocken. Give us a call at 610-825-7072 if you’d like to pre order your copies.
People of Conshohocken wants to thank Neal Eye Group for liking what we do and deciding to sponsor the People of Conshohocken.