People of Conshohocken – Antoinette Poluch – Owner of OBVI
November 22, 2017
People of Conshohocken – Frank Zoltowski
March 6, 2018People of Conshohocken – Cathy Glover

People of Conshohocken – Cathy Glover
by Brian Coll
This is part of our People of Conshohocken series…
We have close to 10,000 people in our borough, add in the residents of West Conshohocken, Plymouth, Whitemarsh and Lafayette Hill and we have a large community. Some of the people that will be featured will be well known in the area, some will have just moved into the area, some will have been here their entire lives. Some of them may be business owners, or people who walk around the area, or maybe work in the area. Maybe you know them, maybe you don’t. Everyone has a story. While we are only going to take their picture and maybe ask a question or two, we want to share these stories with you.
Cathy Glover walked into our shop today, this is an annual trip at this point. She comes up to visit family and friends around the holidays and being the generous person she is she stops by and sees if any charities in Conshohocken can use a donation. We are so grateful for people like Cathy. Cathy grew up here and moved close to the beach a few years ago, actually she left Conshy in 1996 and while her address has changed her heart is here in Conshohocken.
The funny thing is, we started our Conshy conversation based on her shirt…..
Does anyone else get this shirt? I cracked up when I saw it. If you like it, the website Morethanthecurve.com is selling them. They have a few other shirts at the online store. Check it out. We offer I summer in Conshy shirts, Conshy girl shirts, Straight Outta Conshy shirts and Champion Hoodies that simply say CONSHY. But, if you want the Conshy Ballet shirt, you have to check out that website.
So, Cathy bought that shirt, but since she doesn’t live here anymore, not as many people “get” the shirt. One of my friends wandered in and cracked up when she saw the shirt, in fact she lived close to the Conshy Ballet. If you like the shirt or “get: it, please like this story on Facebook and tell Cathy you think it’s cool. I think she would like that.
So, back to the regular People of Conshohocken stuff we do here….. I asked Cathy what changed the most since she left, she started by saying Conshy just doesn’t look the same, and she is right. If you’ve been gone 20 years a number of things have changed. She cited all the new restaurants. It’s not the Conshy she grew up with, and once again I agree with her, things have changed. I’m not sure at what point her daughter got involved with the conversation, but it grew from an interview to a conversation about all things Conshy. We laughed at Cathy taking Sunday walks on Fayette Street where you would see about 10 cars total, and none of them anything special, now you see at least 10 luxury cars parked on each block.
When I asked what she missed the most, it was an easy answer. Living here. She misses living here. Being with lifelong friends and family. She misses some friends and family that left all of us way too soon.
I seem to ask everyone their favorite Conshohocken memory and it wasn’t one event in particular it was the close knit community feeling that you don’t seem to find anywhere else. Shopping trips to ACME seemed to take an hour and a half because you got tied up talking to friends. (this is one thing I still think people find attractive about Conshohocken, true there is no more ACME or corner stores, but we still have good people here)
Cathy visits around the holidays every year and when I asked where she goes when she is here she listed a few of her favorite restaurants like the Great American Pub and the Boathouse and got excited when she was going to visit Vince Totaro and have a meal there at the Trattoria Totaro.
Cathy, it was great seeing you today. Thanks for being a sport and answering some questions. It was a pleasure to chat with you and your daughter. I would tell you to go visit the Conshy Ballet while you are here, but it closed this year….