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August 22, 2023
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August 31, 2023Let’s look out for one of our own Student Athletes

Let’s Look Out for one of our own Student Athlete
by Brian Coll
Towards the end of last school year a young lady came by our shop and was curious about photography. She had a project at PW and she needed to take some photos. While I tried giving her some advice.. she was way ahead of me. We ended up chatting about a few things including my old stomping grounds between Forrest and Maple around Sutcliffe Park. Ava plays field hockey at PW and I think we even touched on Taylor Swift… so I was shocked when this was sent to me:
16 year old Conshohocken resident and Plymouth Whitemarsh High School junior Ava Ruggiero received some difficult news last year when she was diagnosed with Retinitis Pigmentosa, an inherited retinal disease that can lead to blindness. She is persevering through the diagnosis to raise awareness of the disease and do fundraising for the Foundation Fighting Blindness who funds much of the research happening to find treatments for inherited retinal diseases for which today there are no cures.
Last year through an outpouring of support from family, friends and the community #TeamAva raised over $24,000 for the foundation’s annual VisionWalk Philadelphia, winning honors as the top fundraising team!
TeamAva is back at it again this year for VisionWalk Philadelphia 2023 and there are several ways you can help support:
• Make a donation directly to the foundation through Ava’s team fundraising page: https://give.fightingblindness.org/HelpAvaFightBlindness
• Attend TeamAva’s Eagles Fight for Sight Tailgate/Watchparty at the Conshohocken Bocce Club, Sunday Sept 10th starting at 1PM: Link To Event
So, if you can help her out, I think she is an amazing young lady. To her parents, friends and family, we are thinking of you and your long fight ahead.