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November 7, 2019Harry Street – Who It’s Named After and a Recent Visit by the Family

Harry Street – Who It’s Named After and a Recent Visit by the Family
by Brian Coll

Morgan Harry next to the Harry Street
sign. Gregory Harry and his daughter Morgan visited Conshohocken and went looking for landmarks. Morgan’s genealogy goes through her dad,
Gregory Harry, his father, Winfield Scott Harry Jr, his father,
Winfield Scott Harry Sr, his father Ernest Harry, his father Winfield Scott Harry, and his
father Benjamin Harry, who would have been Morgan’s Great-Great-Great Grandfather who was a leading citizen of Conshohocken in the 19th century.
David Harry, who purchased 1,250 acres of ground from Jasper Famer (yes Jasper’s is named after Jasper Farmer) in 1700, was known throughout Conshohocken. David’s grandson, also named David Harry was involved in the incorporation of Conshohocken in 1850. For many years the Harry family served the borough in one capacity or another in many prominent positions. Hence the name Harry Street.
In talking to Gregg Harry, he has some fascinating family notes and history. Ranging from his great grandfather Winfield Scott being the only Harry of his generation to survive the Civil War ( he had at least 5 brothers who died in the war) as well as John Harry who fought in the Revolutionary War.
Gregg and Morgan, thank you for visiting Conshohocken as well as popping into Coll’s Custom Framing for a quick chat. Please come back and visit anytime. To our readers…. at one point there was a plaque honoring the Harry family on Harry Street. If anyone knows where it is currently at, I bet the family would love to see a picture of it, or the location of it for a future visit. Thank you.