Conshystuff Food Drive – Here’s How to Help
October 28, 2022
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November 9, 2022Halloween – Conshy Style

Halloween – Conshy Style
by Brian Coll

Remember the old school rubber masks that you really couldn’t breath while wearing? I’m jealous of my kids today and their costume choices. As a homeowner in this day and age, I’m very grateful for how far home decorating for the holidays has come. I look at this photo taken at the home of Dave and Roberta Frost on West 11th and remember it as the haunted house at Halloween. They went all out decorating. Now a-days people can simply inflate a few things on the lawn, or plant some fake gravestones in the yard and call it a day. This family took pride in creating a lot of their own props and really making their yard look spooky.
A lot has changed, a lot hasn’t. My kids are just as excited for Halloween as I was as a kid. My daughter is loving the Harry Potter books and thought our family should be Harry, Hermione, Professor McGonagall and Hagrid. So, tonight, we’ll be out and about trick or treating just like I did as a kid with my parents.
We’ve been driving around in the evening and admiring all of your decorations. Keep up the good work.
Bonus points for whoever is giving out full size candy bars tonight.