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March 12, 2021Girl Scout Cookies for a Cause (the Colonial Neighborhood Council)

Girl Scout Cookies for a Cause (the Colonial Neighborhood Council)
by Brian Coll
There is a new local troop of Girl Scouts in our community. This is their first year. It is Daisy Troop 7044 and I’m a proud dad of one of the girls. My daughter has been thrilled with the response, not only to the cookies, but from all the people that ask her about her troop. She always points out that her and her troop are trying to sell enough cookies to go on a horseback riding trip together.
You know what, I’m going to change up what I was going to write. I have my daughter in the room right now… time for an interview!
Me (Dad)…. Do you like being a Girl Scout?
Nora… Yes (as she starts to eat lunch)
Me… What has been your favorite part so far?
Nora.. cookies, selling them and eating them.
Me… what are you and the other girls in the troop going to do if you sell enough?
Nora… Horseback riding (big smile)
Me.. anything else?
Nora… we’re going to deliver some cookies to the CNC
Me… yup! And I think you are close to donating a big check!
Nora…. that’s right, some of the money is going to the horseback ride and some is going to the CNC.
Me… did you eat enough lunch?
Nora… um no. Can I get something else,
Me.. yes, back to Girl Scouts. What has been your favorite cookie to eat?
Nora.. lemonades! and shortbreads
Me… How much longer can people order cookies?
Nora… I think a couple of weeks.
Me.. what can people do if they want to help your Girl Scout troop but don’t want to get cookies delivered.
Nora… they can have us deliver to the Colonial Neighborhood Council. Dad, can we play now…
Me, yes. Let’s play. I’ll finish this and add the link later.
Okay, now it’s a little later and I can get back to it.
Here is the link to order. You can do this one of three ways: 1, order a Girl Scout delivery to your house by a Girl Scout. 2, choose direct ship and pay a little more, but this is a great option if you aren’t close 3. order here and put in the address of 107 East 4th Avenue Conshohocken and the Girl Scouts will deliver boxes to the Colonial Neighborhood Council, so they can distribute them as a treat to families in need. Plus a portion of every sale benefits the Girl Scouts and this local troop is donating a large portion to the Colonial Neighborhood Council.
Thank you, one more thing from Nora: I’m glad my mom and me and are working with Shelby and her mom miss Whitney and her friend Holly who is Louises mom in my troop. It’s been fun being on zoom with the other girls like Mirabelle who I don’t get to see anymore.
Thanks for taking a strange path on this story about Girl Scout cookies. My little girl is loving it, maybe one day she’ll check out this story her old man wrote and smile.