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June 12, 2021Girl Scout Cookies and More from Troop 7044

Girl Scout Cookies and More from Troop 7044
by Brian Coll
2020 was a tough time to start a Girl Scout Troop, but a number of local girls and their families got together and created Troop 7044. These amazing young ladies have participated in zoom and in person meetings. They volunteered as a group to help clean up Conshohocken and they had their first Girl Scout cookie sale. This year was unique, as they and all the other troops couldn’t hold traditional cookie sales. Troop 7044 got creative and held some on line sales and worked hard to deliver in the local area.
Traditionally cookie sales are the only way troops have money to fund events activities etc outside of troop dues. Thanks to the generosity of our community they were able to deliver donations of over 120 boxes of cookies between Einstein Hospital and the Colonial Neighborhood Council. In addition to that these girls also chose to donate 1/3 of their proceeds from cookie sales directly to the CNC in the form of a cash donation.
Here’s where I’ll be a proud dad for a minute of one of these girls. My entire life, I looked at the Girl Scouts as the girls who helped break my New Years diet…. the cookie sale always came at a time between my New Years resolution and the Saint Mark’s Easter egg Sale…However watching Troop 7044 through the actions of my daughter (and cookie mom wife) the Girl Scouts are about so much more. This year they did Yoga together, a get to know you game, additional chores around the house, made cards for seniors living at Spring Mill. They made ornaments, they participated in a community clean up and they created friendships that will go beyond the year of the pandemic. I need to circle back to the cookie sale. Since this was my daughters first year with it, I can’t speak from experience besides what I saw first hand this year. There was some real business skills in use this year. With on line ordering in place, my daughter worked on a spread sheet and a few other skills that I did not expect to come out of this. There was a real sense of accomplishment and her work ethic really showed for a couple months while the sale was taking place.

In this photo, Troop leaders Whitney and Holly took their daughters and Girl Scouts to Einstein Hospital where they donated 65 boxes of cookies to front line workers.

Members of Troop 7044 delivering cookies to Sandi Fryer at the Colonial Neighborhood Council.

If you bought cookies through this troop this year, they thank you. At their bridging ceremony recently, where the members of the Troop 7044 moved up from Daisies to Brownie’s, a number of the girls said they were really looking forward to the next sale.