Memorial Service for Jeff Weber
April 28, 2021
Totaro’s Takes over Sutcliffe Park Snack Stand
May 1, 2021Fayette Street Grille, Sadly Closed

Fayette Street Grille, Sadly Closed
by Brian Coll

I guess I knew it was coming… However I was still really sad to see the simple Closed sign on the door with the words thank you underneath. Not only is the Fayette Street Grille one of our neighbors on the 300 block of Fayette Street, we consider the owners Jim and Jen our friends. I want to wish them the best of luck in their future endeavors.

I reached out to Jim as I walked by the sign and my head dropped a little as I was sorry to hear that the Fayette Street Grille had in fact closed for good, not just holding out for a better time to reopen during the Covid pandemic. I asked Jim if Covid was a factor and he was quick to answer of course it was. Business had been going well for them up until March of last year.
As Jim and I were chatting, I asked him if there was anything he wanted to say as I was going to write an article on Conshystuff. Here is what he had to say:
We just feel as a smaller place, it’s going to be too hard to recover from this hit. We want to thank everyone who has come through those doors and chose us to be a part of their lives. We will miss all of the smiles and great dining experiences that we had together over the years.
Thank you Jim, I know my family and a few select friends that had dined with you and your family over the years will miss it. Best of luck on your future endeavors.