Brunch and the George Washington Wood Bed & Breakfast
January 4, 2022
Day of Service in honor of Martin Luther King Jr.
January 7, 2022Did School Snow Days just go away?
Did School Snow Days just go away?
by Brian Coll
The Colonial School Distict just called… with the inclement weather expected tonight into tomorrow, the school district is going virtual. Not closing, just going virtual. Ipads or something will be sent home for learning tomorrow from home.
I get it… but I wish it weren’t the case. I loved snow days as a kid. We’d walk to Bolero’s or Pizza Time, grab a slice of pizza and a soda. At Pizza Time we could play the arcade game Paper Boy…. we’d be sledding at Sutcliffe Park until it was dark and cross our fingers for another snow day the next day.
What are your thoughts? Please share them in the Facebook commets.
And… don’t forget. Conshohocken Adult Prom is coming February 26th at the Great American Pub. It’s an 80’s Prom! Tickets can be bought at Coll’s Custom Framing or online here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/conshohocken-adult-prom-back-to-the-80s-tickets-218504090617