History of a House – 410 Spring Mill Avenue
April 28, 2021
Memorial Service for Jeff Weber
April 28, 2021Conshorockin’s Own Alice Cooper.. Michael Kelly!

Conshorockin’s Own Alice Cooper.. Michael Kelly!
Photos by Jack Coll
There is a great group on Facebook called You Know You’re from Old Conshy When…. and recently someone brought up our very own Michael Kelly. I think there was some debate as to whether he impersonated Ozzy or Alice Cooper…. and the winner is clearly Alice Cooper.
These photos taken at two events in 1987 and 1990. The 1987 event was held at the A Field and the 1990 event took place at the Fellowship House.
So, here are the photos of “Puttin on the Hits” (maybe, just maybe we could duplicate this type of event in the near future)

If anyone sees Michael, tell him the folks at Coll’s Custom Framing said Hi.
Keep supporting our local businesses during these unique times. Thank you.