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July 8, 2023Conshohocken Sisters place 1st and 2nd in Soap Box Derby

Conshohocken Sisters place 1st and 2nd in Soap Box Derby
by Brian Coll
The Conshohocken Soap Box Derby has been running since 1952, only skipping 2020 in it’s history. This was the 70th race as far as we can tell. History may have been made yesterday as Scarlett Venezia beat her sister Evelyn to take the Stock championship and win her way to the National Soap Box Derby Championship in Akron Ohio. My dad Jack and I got talking today about it. In 1973 a brother and sister faced off for 1st and 2nd (The Donovan family), and we could be wrong, but we feel this could be the first time sister faced sister with the championship on the line. We know the girls parents and family were cheering them both on equally.
I was hanging out near the pit area late in the race yesterday and after a close race between Shelby Crisp and Scarlett Venezia, I heard Scarlett wonder out loud if she might have to face her sister to determine which one of them was going to Akron Ohio…turns out she was right.
In the Super Stock it was Shawn Bergey wining a close finals against Natalie Krier. Well done.
Our hats are off to all the racers and their families. It is a long hot day. Special thanks to all the volunteers and derby director.