Maddy Crippen – Conshystuff Hall of Fame
July 27, 2021
1986 Babe Ruth Baseball Tryout Photo
August 11, 2021Conshohocken has Been Invited to Reading – The R-Phils THIS Coming Sunday

Conshohocken has Been Invited to Reading
The R-Phils take on the Akron Rubberducks
And It’s All Free

This coming Sunday August 15, 2021 all of Conshohocken is invited to visit First Energy Stadium to watch the Reading Phillies take on the Akron Rubberducks and tickets are FREE. That’s right stop by Coll’s Custom Framing this week and pick up your General Admission tickets free of charge. It promises to be a really nice event and hundreds if not thousands of local residents are expected to be in the stands.
Game-time is 5:15 and if you’ve never been to a Reading Phillies Game I can assure you the entertainment never stops. Get there early and see a number of Conshohocken residents throw out the first pitch.

I’ve visited First Energy Stadium on a number of occasions over the years and each visit was very memorable. I photographed Pete Rose, Greg Luzinski and a number of other 1980 world series Phillies team members in Reading. I remember sitting in the dugout chatting with Scott Hunsicker and Pat “The Bat” Burrell when he was a member of the Reading team in the late 1990’s and I’ll never forget when I traveled to Reading on two different occasions to photograph my old friend Max Patkin, “The Clown Prince of Baseball.”

Max enjoyed a 50 year career that started back in in 1942 when he was a major league pitching prospect and gave up a home-run to Joe DiMaggio, Max slammed his glove down on the pitcher’s mound, turned his hat sideways and followed DiMaggio around the bases making faces at him, the crowd loved every minute of it.

In the summer of 1988 the movie starring Tim Robbins, Kevin Costner and Susan Sarandon called “Bull Durham” also featured Max although a number of his scenes were cut. The highlight of his career according to ME, came in 1996 when I brought Max to Conshohocken to throw out the first pitch opening Conshohocken Little League’s season, Max often visited Conshohocken to stop in at the frame shop or to pick me up as Max and I traveled to a number of major league ball-parks over the years. Scott Hunsicker, a former resident and two sport standout at Plymouth Whitemarsh High School and a 1992 graduate of Albright Collage who happens to be the R-Phils General Manager assured us here at Coll’s Custom Framing that everyone from Conshohocken will be in for a good night at the ball park. So if you need free tickets stop by Coll’s Custom Framing and pick-up your general admission tickets and we’ll see you at the ballpark.