History of a House – 103 Spring Mill Ave (El Limon)
March 10, 2020
Corona Virus Today- Influenza 100 Years ago in Conshohocken
March 13, 2020Colonial School District Closed for 2 Weeks – Now What?
Colonial School District Closed for 2 Weeks – Now What?
by Brian Coll
As parents with children in the Colonial School District now know… school is closed for 2 weeks starting today with after school activities cancelled.
Now what? We’re not health experts…. we’ll let you read what you need to do for you and your family.
Here is what we are going to ask of you…. there are 1,000 kids in our community that rely on school breakfast and lunch. Tomorrow local businesses are meeting to figure out what we can do to help. In the meantime, the Colonial Neighborhood Council is going to need full shelves to help these families and children out. Tuna, canned meat, spam, canned fruit, soups, cereal, peanut butter and jelly.
If you’re reading this as one of the families in our community that rely on the school system helping you out, please check back in tomorrow as we will have some ideas to help.