The Good Stuff – Conshohocken Proud
September 11, 2020
History of a House – or the Young Hero Who Lived There
September 21, 2020Colonial Avengers – New Youth Football Team, Season Starts Today!

Colonial Avengers – New Youth Football Team, Season Starts Today!
by Brian Coll
I’m friends with a guy named Henry Racich. Henry played football for the Conshohocken Golden Bears, Then at PW, and eventually found himself with the semi pro team the Steelers out of Conshy. He has coached over the years at different levels and he has been involved with football probably since he was about 5 years old, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that, starting today, he is the man behind the Colonial Avengers, a new youth football team. The season kicks off today. I asked Henry a few socially distant questions… and here you go.

So, Colonial Avengers, I like it, what brought about the name?
Colonial for the school district we play in and Avengers because “who doesn’t want to be an Avenger? Kids love them . Plus I had to show a few organizations around here how to do it right 🙂
I guess before I ask another question, what made you want to start a new team in a new league?
I was unsatisfied with leadership and training in the surrounding football world . If you wanna it done right , do it yourself . I was never one to settle for mediocrity. This league is a gift to my youngest son Henry .
What are the age ranges for these kids?
5-14 years old, I started with one (1) team . 8-11 then. I took in Visitation when CYO folded. Then I took in a team from Norristown when their league folded. So I went from 16 kids to 65 in two weeks and had just two weeks to get them equipment and game ready in 3 weeks .
Cheerleading correct?
Not the first year gotta get football up first.
Now, did I hear something about MacKenzie park in West Conshohocken? That’s very cool.
We got the park on Monday this week and I have guys there right now transforming a park into a stadium . The kids need this. They are locked up in house arrest for 6 months or more .they need physical Outlets for mental well being . This is my gift to the kids in the area.
How long will this season go? And if families miss it this year, it’s coming back next year….
6 week ref season then playoffs . We play in pop warner buxmont . Yes we will be here for years to come.
What else can you tell us?
Conshy talk will stream live all games . I have a PW CITV student broadcasting and commentating games.
This team is for the community around us. If vendor want to come set up tables at our home games they can. Just contact me for details .
Thanks for doing a story . This is my dream “If you build it , they will come “💪🏽
The season kicks off today at 11 a.m. at MacKenzie Park in West Conshohocken. There is a game at 2:00 in the afternoon as well.
Best of luck to the players, coaches, parents and everyone who made this possible.