Joni McCormick – Farewell my Friend, and Thanks for Everything
December 29, 2020
Shack in The Back Smoothie Shop – Grand Opening Monday January 4th
January 2, 2021Christmas Gift – 2020 was a little different

Christmas Gift – 2020 was a little different
by Brian Coll

I know, it’s not the greatest picture, but it was truly a special gift. My in laws never know what to get for me, so this year they brought me a very large box full of goodies for the Colonial Neighborhood Council. They know I am passionate about helping our community, so instead of the jelly of the month club, they loaded up a large box with items needed at the CNC. I was so surprised and thrilled with the very thoughtful gift. They did get me a pair of warm socks as well for the hikes with my family (thank you).
This very thoughtful gift, will truly be the gift that keeps on giving. They lifted my Christmas spirit as well as help put food on tables throughout our community. In this year, it was exactly what was needed.
I have to talk about this year in general as well. The first gift from Santa my little girl opened this year was a mask that was meant for her to decorate. She opened it, took out the special markers and made her own mask before going to the next gift. In my mind, it was so sad that this was even a gift, at the same time, it made me so proud of her and her resilience. Kids all over our country and the world will certainly have a unique perspective on the year that was 2020. It is probably the year that kids got to spend more time with their parents. The year they were forced to learn a new way. The year that their first hug with Grandma or pop seemed to last forever after being away from each other for so long. Their birthday party turned into a parade of cars going by their house with horns honking.
2020 has been challenging and let’s face it 2021 isn’t looking much better. However in 2020, I have seen our community look out for each other. Younger neighbors going shopping for older neighbors and community members when the data seemed to be changing every day. I’ve seen our restaurants look out for our school aged children when schools closed down back in March. I’ve seen our community support our small businesses and restaurants during a challenging year. I’ve seen the borough of Conshohocken be flexible enough to allow some unique outdoor dining situations.
Let’s carry that support into 2021. Let’s keep ordering from our restaurants, let’s shop local. Let’s make sure our neighbors are in a good place. The holidays can be stressful, winter can be tough. Call your friends, knock on a neighbors door, let’s keep pulling for each other.
I know in the history books 2020 will be the year of Covid, I think it should be the year of caring. I’m not blind, I saw and see how messed up of a year 2020 was. On so many levels. I just personally choose to look to the helpers. And this year, the helpers may have looked a little different. Not all heroes wear capes or even uniforms. This year the mask makers, the delivery drivers, the grocery store workers, the people who opened up their shops unique hours so the elderly could shop without other people in the store. Everyone who donated to the local food bank. It took a lot to make 2020 even bearable for a number of people. It goes without saying, that our healthcare workers, the people in the pharmaceutical industry, the frontline workers, all made a huge difference in our world. I’m going to stop at this point, there are better writers who are right now wrapping up the year in review somewhere, you can read about the year in review somewhere else if you really want to, I’m ready to move on.
As a father with young kids, I enjoyed the time with them this year. Let’s face it, sometimes the world just goes by too fast. I did enjoy the extra time, so I know it wasn’t all bad. People had babies, people got married. There are plenty of good memories to go around in 2020.
If you lost someone this year, we’re sorry. Those who passed, covid or non covid related didn’t get their proper send off. We’re sorry.
I started writing this the day after Christmas, I’m wrapping it up on New Year’s Day. So Happy New Year’s everyone. Let’s hope 2021 is better on a global scale, let’s keep being good to each other on a personal level. Take care all.