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February 20, 2024Carol’s

By Brian Coll

Recently Carol’s at 6th and Maple was sold. The new owners are currently renovating and have big plans. I can’t wait to check it out. In the meantime, my mind drifts to a few occasions when I was there.
When people ask me about Carol’s, even before it closed I would start off with the fact that it had the COLDEST air conditioning in Conshohocken! For a few years I had good friends that lived right next door as well as friends that lived a couple doors away and if there was an outdoor summer party happening… we’d have to run into Carol’s to cool off. On the opposite end of that, growing up a few blocks away, Carols’ would be worth a visit on those snowy winter nights where no one was driving anywhere. You could make a nice little loop between Carol’s, The Old Time Saloon and if you were up for a bit further walk, visit DeMedio’s (later Y2K) and now Stone Rose or cross Fayette at 7th and visit the Casmar (Now Jasper’s) Side note…. I still miss the cheesesteaks at the Casmar.
I took a peek in the other day and they are already working on the place. I’m not sure of the fate of the old glass block windows. Those windows gave the place a bit of mystery. Right now if you are on lower Fayette and thinking about going into the Pub, you can take a look for yourself if it is busy, you had no idea what you were getting when you opened the doors at Carol’s.
Places like Carol’s were a staple in our borough. You might laugh when I say that, but if you consider that Conshohocken was a very blue collar borough, we needed places like Carol’s. All the plants, and mills here had multiple shifts going at all hours of the day. When these folks got done work, they could stop in to relax before heading home, in some cases even after 3rd shift. Factory workers could even find out who else was hiring or the news of the day.
I hadn’t been to Carol’s in some time. I was always treated well there and I want to wish the family and folks that worked there the best. I want to wish the new owners the best as well. I look forward to stopping in when you get open.
While we have you, we are a week away from the Conshohocken Adult Prom at the Great American Pub. Tickets are $100 and the event raises thousands of dollars for local charities. Buy your tickets here: Conshohocken Adult Prom – the Fayette Gala (Philly Style) Tickets, Sat, Feb 24, 2024 at 7:00 PM | Eventbrite