History of a House – 113 Josephine Avenue (Alva S. MacKenzie)
August 29, 2022
History of a House – 135 West 1st Ave – Ken Chabaud
September 12, 2022Ambucs Restaurant Rally – September 18th

Ambucs Restaurant Rally – September 18th
by Brian Coll

This is an event that I look forward to every year. It’s a great way too support one of the best service organizations in our community. The Ambucs have been supporting our community for decades. Let me get to the fun part though… You meet at the Great American Pub, and from there go to one of the 20 restaurants (listed below) but you don’t stay at the first place all day. You, your friends and the group you are with go to the first one… If your first place is Izenbergs for instance, you can wander up to Brunch, then around the corner to Jaspers. There are buses that run throughout the borough to help you move around our one square mile borough.
This year, there are a few new places to try out. New to not only the restaurant rally, but new to our community. In no particular order the new places are Our Daily Bagel, Daniel’s, Conshohocken Oyster House and Grill, and the newly opened Couch Tomato. There might also be some “new to you” places. This is a great way to sample what the restaurant has to offer and maybe you’ll find your new favorite place.
This is the 15th annual Ambucs Restaurant Rally. Meet at the Great American Pub and prepare to wander Conshohocken eating (if you drink, there’s plenty of chances along the way) your way through Conshohocken. Most of, if not all of your favorite restaurants will participate. Tickets are available at Flocco’s or online here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2022-conshohocken-restaurant-rally-presented-by-conshohocken-ambucs-tickets-377069794907?aff=ebdshpsearchautocomplete
We really hope to see you along the way.
1-Insomnia Cookies
2-Chaing Mai
4-Conshohocken Oyster House & Grill
6-Great American Pub
7-Tony & Joes Pizzeria
8-Totaro’s Trattoria
11-Deli on 4th
12-Shack In The Back
14-Flanagans Boat House
15-Southern Cross
16-Edwards Freeman Nuts
17-Our Daily Bagel
18-The Couch Tomato
19-Ashleys Deli
20-Izzenbergs Deli