1913 Conshohocken Christmas
December 20, 2013
Christmas Lights, A Nativity Scene, and Christmas Memories
December 20, 2013A Christmas Child of the 1960’s
A Christmas Child of the 1960’s
By Jack Coll
With a grandchild on the way, expected to hit just before Christmas, I wondered, WHAT to buy a two week old kid for Christmas. I’m concerned, I don’t want the child to fall behind, computers, big screen computers, nothing but the best, of course, it’s my first grandchild. Maybe I should flex my muscles, hell it’s my grandchild, a pony, a real live pony, a picture of the grandchild and Santa on the horse, there, top that. Should I instruct Brian and Anna to purchase an enrollment into a pre-school, if we wait for the child to turn two, or three months old, is it too late to get the kid into a good school.
Wow, this whole thing just really blows my mind, not like blowing my mind in the sixties, but blowin’ my freakin’ mind. X Box, Z Box, and all the rest of the boxes, I think I’ll buy a new car for the kid as soon as the child is born, after all the child will be driving in the year 2030, and I’ll have a 2013 car, with no miles, how cool would that be. (Notice I keep using the word child! we don’t know if it’s a boy or girl, so until we do, it’s “The Grandchild”.”
Man, just take me back to a simpler time, back when I was a child that was when kids knew how to be kids. I’m not saying we weren’t hip, we had all the latest technology. I remember when we got PONG, how cool was that, we had SLOW, and FAST, it took me a couple of months but I worked my way up to fast, but I wasn’t very good at it, I just couldn’t get my paddle over there fast enough to stop it, you older folks know what I’m talking about.
Oh what most of us wouldn’t give for the good ol’ days or maybe not? I put together a few of the games and toys that I came up with, perhaps you would like to add a few of your favorite toys and games from when you were growing up, but here’s my list of really cool things from the 1960’s, enjoy.
A few of the Board Games
Across The Continent
Travel Adventure Game
Beachhead Invasion
Meet The Presidents
Mother’s Helper (and we’re not talking pills here)
The Match Game
Monkey’s Uncle
Cribbage Board Game
Buck-A-Roo Board Game
Aggravation Board Game
Chutes and Ladders
Dr. Kildare
Say When
Fascination (electric maze game)
Jump (pin up board game)
King Leonardo
The Wheeler-Dealer Board Game
Tri Ominoes
Across The Continent
Junior Executive
Mouse Trap
Dark Shadows Board Game
Honey West
Uncle Wiggly Game
Booby Trap
Totally Tut
Big Brain
Twister Board Game
Formula Board Game
Merry Milkman
Of course anything Beatles, Monkees, or Elvis in board games, must have been a thousand of them.
If I missed one, or two, or three of your favorite board games please feel free to share, the same goes for the toys listed below, we can’t name all of them but enjoy the memory of the toys we do name.
In no special order if you were a kid of the 1060’s perhaps you played with the Electric All Star Football Game, remember how you would line all the players up on this vibrating board and they would all go in different direction, it was pretty lame. Here we go,
Hands Down Jody’s Country Kitchen
Creepy Crawlers Gilbert Erector Set
Baby This ‘n That Gumby and Gumby’s Pal Pokey
Barrel Of Monkeys Lincoln Logs
Easy Bake Oven Toy Doctor Kit
Magic Ball Click Clacks
Susie Smart Doll GE Walkie Talkies
Fisher Price Roller Skates (that strapped onto your shoes) Fisher Price Mini Barn
Paper Dolls Jump Rope
Pifco Zeta Ray Gun Tin Plate Kaleidoscope
Play-Doh Fun Factory Wooden Spinner Top
Etch A Sketch Duncan Yo-Yo
Toy Milk Truck (A wooden truck with six wooden bottles in the back)
Chinese Checkers Magnet Set
Fisher Price Toy Camera or Radio Lunar Launcher Toy Gun
Slinky—Slinky Dog Tin Tool Box
Cootie Game Bozo The Clown Savings Bank
Mr. Potato Head King Jet Race Car
Pogo Stick Toy Accordion
Mattel-Monkees Guitar The Flintstones Cartoon Set
Tip It (The wackiest balancing game ever) Croquet Set
Magic Bottle (Tip the bottle and all the milk disappears) Rocket Set
Super Ball Flexible Flyer Sled
Pet Rock Troll Doll—Wishniks
Mystery Date Game Penny Brite Doll
Thumbelina Doll Skill It
Gilbert-Lab Technician Set (For boys or girls) Liddle Kiddles Dress Up Kit
Motorized Mustang Francie and Casey Paper Dolls
Betty Crocker Junior Baking Kit Slingshot
Jacob’s Ladder Lawn Darts
Talking Clock Jack In The Box
Slip & Slide Jacks
Fisher Price Chatter—Telephone Pull Toy G I Joe
Dart Baseball Tin Sign with Darts Lite Brite
Silly Putty Marbles
Magic Slate (write on the board & lift the plastic paper and the writing would disappear)
Loom and Loops (you could make your own pot holder) Little Lady Sewing Machine
Basset Hound Wooden Dog (with wheels and lease) Toy Iron
Pez Dispenser Baton
Rockem’ Sockem’ Robots (one red, one blue) Pop Beads (you could make a beautiful necklace)
Championship Pool Table (the pool table was about 18 by 24 inches, the pool sticks were about 10 inches long)
Bowling Pins (plastic, of course) Matchbox City
Fold Away Doll House (made of all paper, they lasted until the end of Christmas Day)
Miracle Bubble Soap and Wand (anyone who got this for Christmas was screwed, you couldn’t use it in the house)
Tickle Bee Ant Farm
This really could go on and on, but let’s not forget about all the Barbie, Beatles, and Mickey Mouse stuff on the market. Let’s be honest here, if you were a child of the 1960’s, we had way better toys then these kids today. If you got a full-fledged cowboy suit under the tree or a princess costume, I’m talking about the good ones now, and it might have cost $4.99. Kids today get a thig-a-ma-jig for $699.00, and that’s just one of their small gifts. When my grandchild arrives I’m thinking a really sweet box of “Pick-up-Stix” we could have all their friends over and really show them what a good time is.
You might be laughing at all the toys and games listed above, but a little bit of you would love to go back, just for a little while!
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If you’re looking for a toy, visit your local toy store, if you’re looking for a gift with meaning, visit
Coll’s Custom Framing, and get something meaningful framed.