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March 6, 2025National Women’s Month here in Conshohocken

National Women’s Month here in Conshohocken
by Brian Coll with previous research by Jack Coll
This week I was honored to have been the guest speaker at the Business and Professional Women’s Club of Conshohocken. What you will read below is what I presented at the meeting. The group that attended and heard the presentation may have gotten a little more than what you will read as I elaborated on a few things along the way. The group also had a discussion about where Conshohocken has been and where it is today. Thank you for reading.

Hello and thank you for having me here at the Conshohocken Business and Professional Women’s group.
I’m honored to be here to discuss some of the groundbreaking women we have had in Conshohocken, and I’m especially thrilled that you invited me here during National Women’s Month, I think the bar got raised a little bit, I might have been able to sneak through any other month with just a few whimsical tales.
Having said that, I don’t want to sound naive, but the very first person I knew that was in business for themselves was Josie, from Josie’s candy store on West 8th Ave. In her heyday, her store sold everything you needed to live, by the time I got to know her in the late 70’s early 80’s it was mostly remembered as a candy store, but even then she had so many products on the shelves for the everyday household. At that point she was competing with other “corner stores” and the nearby Acme market.
Josie wasn’t the only woman owned corner store in the borough of Conshohocken. As far back as the 1880’s, you had Mrs. Stanley’s Grocery Store on Hector Street, and as time went on you also had Lillian’s Candy Shoppe on lower Fayette, Shirley’s market came along but not before Miriam A. Eberle Grocery store at 10th and Jones. There was a Mary Radatti that had a grocery and meat store on West Elm and who can forget a couple of female owned luncheonettes, one was named Ann’s, and another Mary’s. Those luncheonettes had competition with a couple others at the time Bill’s and Jack’s… Jack’s is now home to Tony and Joe’s.
I didn’t mean to start off with a history of a few women owned businesses, however I think it was unique that in a time where women didn’t have the right to vote, they did own businesses, at least in Conshohocken. Off subject… I believe that Conshohocken was the first place in America to name a street after a person of color. Hector Street was named after Ned Hector all the way back in 1853.
Now, getting back to women in Conshohocken. This is the part that caught me off guard, and I think you will appreciate this. I can’t speak for the folks in these clubs that I am about to mention, I wasn’t alive during this time period, I didn’t sign any charters and so on…. As I was looking into the origins of the Women’s Club in Conshohocken and then the Junior Women’s Club in Conshohocken I saw all these other clubs. Clubs like the Rising Sun Boat Club, The Conshohocken Cricket Club, the Crescent Camping Club, get this one… the Conshohocken Foolish Club (although maybe I could have been a member here or at the next one) the Seven and a Half Nuts Club in West Conshohocken. What I saw in the pictures was men.
We did come across the Women’s Social Union of the Baptist Church. I am not sure what year it was founded or what year it disbanded ( it could still be operating today)
Which brings us to November 14th, 1897 when the Women’s Club of Conshohocken was formed under the guidance of Mary Patterson Beaver. An interesting side note is (I’m writing this in a public free library, Women’s Clubs in the early 1900’s were responsible for 75% of our nations free libraries.)
The Conshohocken Women’s Club was responsible for helping our nations war effort in WW1 and WW2. Helping sell war bonds, direct help with the Red Cross and quietly helping families affected by the wars. The Women’s Club saw a decline in membership over the years and disbanded by the late 1980’s.
The Women’s Club led to the Junior Women’s Club of Conshohocken. The Junior Women’s Club met as early as 1922. One of their first meetings was held at Woodmont. If you are not familiar with Woodmont, please track me down later in the evening, I’ll be happy to discuss it. Miss Louise Wood entertained members of the club, there was a dinner served on the lawn as well as sporting games of the day and swimming. Miss Louise Wood was the Vice President of the new organization. While the club was meeting in the early 20’s it became officially organized in 1931 and later became federated in 1936.
Both the Women’s Club and Junior Women’s Club became involved in many of the causes of the day. In addition to supporting what was needed at the time, they also helped with the LAUREL HOUSE, as well as raised funds to award scholarships.
Some fifty years after the Women’s Club of Conshohocken formed, came along the BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL WOMEN’S CLUB OF CONSHOHOCKEN.
According to the book Tales of Conshohocken and Beyond, by Jack Coll, the first meeting was held at the home of Bernice Maxwell on November 28, 1948. The Club was made official on January 24th, 1949. Bernice was named President, Isabel Tyson First Vice President, Mrs. Norman Dodsworth Second Vice President, Jane Daly Recording Secretary, Eleanor Lotz Corresponding Secretary and Olive Hart Treasurer.
Whoever is current Treasurer of the organization today, good luck. Most organizations are only as good as the treasurer. Thank you.
While looking at the early years of the BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL WOMEN’S CLUB OF CONSHOHOCKEN, I saw the name Isabel Tyson on more that one occasion. My dad Jack has talked about her often and written about her. The reason she sticks out in my mind now as I talk about this, when the Schuykill Expressway opened on December 8th, 1952, it was Isabel Tyson who got to cut the ribbon. The photo stands out in my mind, of her surrounded by a number of gentleman, who I’m sure were all very important… and yet, I can tell you that it is Isabel Tyson standing in the center. She was a West Conshohocken native who attended business school as well as the University of Pennsylvania. She worked for the Borough of West Conshohocken, and in later years worked in the Montgomery County courthouse. She served as President of the BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL WOMEN’S CLUB OF CONSHOHOCKEN, in addition to raising a family here.
Before we hit the fast forward button and bring us to at least something a little current, I want to point out two women from Conshohocken who made their mark, the first is Effie Lewis, who became the first female sheriff in Montgomery County. Effie was employed at the court house in the Register of Wills department. Long story short, in a bizarre murder where a woman killed her brother in law, the judge thought a female sheriff deputy should assist in the transfer of the prisoner. In 1920, there were only men in this position, so they went in and made Effie Lewis a deputy. While she was only deputy for a day, that day marked the first time in Montgomery County that there was a female Sherrifs deputy. It is noted that she enjoyed her day as a deputy and the prisoner was on her best behavior.
Another woman from Conshohocken who invented something that we still use today… Mrs. William Webb from Hector Street. More than a century ago, Mrs. William Webb (sadly, my dad Jack and I have both sought her first name and neither of us have been able to find it, sorry) ( I’ll also take this time to apologize to my wife Anna, this is the type of stuff you see me working on at our kitchen table at al hours of the night, trying to research the first name of an amazing Conshohocken resident.)
So, Mrs. William Webb… kept getting burnt in the household stove of the day. She knew she wasn’t the only person getting burnt by the design of the oven at the time. She went to work and created a rotisserie of sorts. It became known as the Webb Revolving Oven Slide ( with a handle on the outside that essentially made it the first patented rotisserie oven.) Her husband and her formed a company which eventually sold to a larger firm out of Baltimore.
You know, I am very lucky that my dad Jack has done so much research on the borough of Conshohocken and beyond. Together he and I have worked on a few books involving our community. I was going to segway into something I was consider calling FIRSTS… then I remembered we did something exactly what I was thinking about in a sold out book titled Conshohocken & West Conshohocken People, Places and Stories. So, I’m hoping most of you did not go and buy that book about 7 years ago.
I wanted to point out Olympian Maddie Crippen. Maddie is a swimmer and competed in the 2000 summer Olympics held in Sydney Australia. She finished 6th in the world in the 400 meter individual medley. You may know Maddie, or remember her families hardware store at 9th and Fayette. Pete had everything you would need in a hardware store. Sadly you may also recognize the family name because of her brother Fran who passed away swimming in an open water event.
Other amazing athletes to come out of Conshohocken.
Darlene Hildebrand, while her claim to fame may have been basketball, she also excelled at baseball before they started to steer young ladies to softball. Darlenes reason to be in the firsts list was she was the first female executive director at the Fellowship House.
Brenda Mason was the first female basketball player at Plymouth Whitemarsh to score over 1000 points in her 3 year career. She went onto play at the University of Maryland.
Tammy Green is a hall of fame athlete at both PW and Philadelphia University. She led the nation in scoring in division 2 in her senior season 1993-1994.
Since baseball season is starting lets talk about Kelly Bolger who was the first young lady to play in the majors division for Conshohocken Little League.
And who can forget Anna Dare and Kim Lambdin for making and playing for the all star teams in the early 80’s.
In other firsts… how about Beth Januzelli…. Conshohocken’s first female Fire Marshall, or Rachel Intrieri first female Colonial School District board member. My friend Dayle Malantonio was the first female President of the Fellowship House of Conshohocken. We could have an entire conversation about Dayle, she continues to look out for our community in so many ways. How about Peggy O’neill…. Peggy was the first female tax collector here in Conshohocken. Long before everything was filed electronically!
Before I continue… I truly want to thank you for having me here tonight. In prepping for this, I have poured back through articles, books, and memories and I am so thankful to live and work in this community. Conshohocken is truly a special place with special people.
As I was going through some prominent females in our borough and surrounding communities I of course was intrigued by the name Harriet Wetherill, you might recognize the name due to the park in her honor in Plymouth Meeting. I also found myself looking for more information on Mrs. Jasper Farmer. If the name is familiar to you, it may be through the restaurant Jasper’s, or if you know a bit of local history, the Farmer family owned 5,000 acres here that became Whitemarsh. Our one square mile borough came from that 5,000 acres. There is an entire book on the Farmer family and their history here in America, Ireland and England. Mrs. Jasper Farmer from most accounts was involved with the limestone that was an early claim to fame for our region.
One final first before we move on to current day Conshohocken. Darlene Groves Davis was the first African American female principle at Conshohocken Elementary. She also served as the first African American to serve on the Fellowship House board of directors.
So, we’ve talked about some ladies throughout the history of Conshohocken. And please forgive me, this isn’t meant to be a shoutout to every female owned business women, or lady about town. I am defiantly going to leave some amazing people out of this part of the conversation. I am not doing this intentionally, so having said that please forgive me. In the year 2025 when I look around Conshohocken and the surrounding community I tend to think of bakery hours, banking hours and bar hours and there is a lot in between. Bakery hours I immediately think about Tina Gambone at the Conshohocken Italian Bakery. Tina and her family are wrapping up their operation, but for the past number of years Tina along with her brother and dad worked the bakery hours. I look at the amazing cakes and so much more that Julia Izenberg is creating at Izenberg’s by the way, they now have longer hours for those of us with late lunch times or who might want pancakes for dinner. Someone who has the bakery and the bar hours makes me think of Kim Stengari of Pretty Tasty Cupcakes and Gypsy Saloon. Most bar and restaurant owners have to worry about the stoves and ovens being turned off late at night, at Gypsy when those are turning off Pretty Tasty’s are kicking on…
Not every woman I am going to mention is in business. Look no further than The Conshohocken Free Library where Holly Holst does an incredible job keeping the community library in tip top shape, check out the new furniture the next time you are there. If you visit in March, you might see my daughter Nora has a display there as the Junior Librarian. All of the women I have mentioned so far are good role models for my daughter to look up to. We as a family are involved with the Colonial Neighborhood Council where we have an angel on Earth named Sandi Fryer. My daughter Nora and my wife Anna just delivered a number of boxes of cookies that Nora collected through donations during the Girl Scout Cookie season. My wife is the cookie mom and along with Whitney Crisp, they do an amazing job in our community. Their Girl Scout Troop 7044 recently raised the money to build a gaga pit at Mary Wood Park in Conshohocken.
I love visiting with Denise Marks principle at Conshohocken Elementary School. We currently have a number of Borough Council Women. Our borough manager is Steph Cecco.
Sorry, I’m thinking about my daughter Nora signing a Beyonce song….. who runs the world? GIRLS!
Alright so….
We’ve mentioned a few bakers and even a few Girl Scout Cookie ladies… now let’s look at the small businesses in Conshy. When I walk out my front door
(Coll’s Custom Framing 324 Fayette Street… shamless plug there)
I can walk to either side of me and find a young female owned business, Deli on 4th, I am so incredible proud of my friend Steph for working her tail off for years in order to take over this business from her former boss. On the other side of my shop, we have Sanctuary Blu. Natalie Barr went into business there with her cousin Nehama and they transformed their original business model and have made the most of it. They even have space for some of my favorite artists to display their work. Artists like Kim Tatum Robbins and Michaela Stuart. A few doors down we have Thirteen Circles, owned and operated by Lily Cheshire. Her shop is a little newer to go along with the newer Our Daily Bagel owned and operated by Marielle Link at the end of the block. As a matter of fact, there is a newer business group in the borough called Discover Conshohocken and a number of the small businesses involved are female owned. Barbara Asman from XTRA, Tori Totaro with The Collective, Gabby at La Bella Moda and Gabby at Wrapping Papered. You have the golf girls up at Penn Club on 2nd Christine and Lori.
I have recently met a newer business person named Amber from Rosie’s Speech and I know some families that utilize her services and I hear great things about her there. I can’t over look Jamie Webber at the Boathouse or Geri Magee at the Great American Pub as well as Christina from the Pieri Restaurant Group. The last three have really stepped up for so many things in our community. If you look at any raffle or event, you are going to find a gift card, food or drinks being donated by one of these amazing restaurants and the women behind them. Speaking of charity events, Angela Visintin of Beanie Bounce…. Angela and I worked together for years with Vince Flocco and Mayor Bob Frost running the Conshohocken Funfest and other community events and organizations. She has always been so kind and generous to our community.
In my life, I have been surrounded by some amazing women. My mom Donna… well, when people stop in our family shop and see me and ask for the boss, I point out that Donna isn’t here right now, anything I can help you with. They might be looking for my dad Jack, but we know who the real boss is. Speaking of the Boss, of course that is the nickname for one of my favorite musicians, Bruce Springsteen. At some point in my childhood, my sister Jackie picked up the nickname The Boss and it suits her well. Earlier I mentioned my wife Anna and my daughter Nora, in addition to them and my family members there are so many women in my life that I rely on. The two people in my life that I will call if I need a moment of clarity are Julie Donavon and Dana Trego. Julie, is just the most amazing person, party planner and mom I know. Dana continues to amaze me. Wonderful mom, softball player and she has created my go to gift for teachers and customers. She has Simply DiWine Jellies and they now have new jars and labels. Look for them at the Conshy Farmers market as well as at the Artists Loft.
I know I mentioned earlier that this wasn’t meant to be a place where I try to name every female in our community. I’m proud and honored to be standing in front of your organization. I will point out that there are so many women in our community… new moms helping out at the preschool. Moms in the school PTO group, board members at Conshohocken Baseball & Softball, coaches at all the local fields. The ladies putting together bag bingo for their churches, the auxiliary groups at the firehouses or VFW post. Our community wouldn’t be what it is without all of them, all of YOU.
Thank you for allowing me and my family here this evening with all of YOU.