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May 26, 2021Were You Born a Dragon? A Book Reading event and more.

Were You Born a Dragon? A Book Reading event and more.
by Brian Coll
This Thursday the Conshohocken Free Library is holding a special story time featuring a guest reader, Steve Dragon. He’ll be reading his book “Were You Born a Dragon”
Join Ms. Lorraine for a pajama-friendly story time, from the comfort of your own home! This month, Ms. Lorraine has a special guest reader, Steve Dragon, who will read his book, Were You Born a Dragon? Steve wrote this book based on a story he told his daughter when she was little.
If you want to buy a copy, they are available on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Were-You-Born-Dragon-1/dp/1543996655/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3S5R9MG5MWK35&dchild=1&keywords=were+you+born+a+dragon&qid=1621399951&sprefix=were+you+%2Caps%2C161&sr=8-1
There is also a sequel “Were You Born a Dragon Too” and hopefully the Conshohocken Free Library and author Steve Dragon can figure out a future event.
This is a Free Virtual Event, use the link to sign up and get more info.