Hall of Fame additions 2/5/2014
February 5, 2014Conshystuff Event Hall of Fame – Blackthorn 2005
July 20, 2005
Blackthorn, Irish Rock Band Plays in Conshohocken
On a hot July night in 2005 the Irish Rock Band “Blackthorn”, took the stage at the Conshohocken “A” Field and entertained the crowd of nearly a thousand residents and visitors for two hours. As the summer concert series in the borough goes this was a blockbuster. The free concert was sponsored by the borough of Conshohocken, thanks in part to Robert Stokley, Councilman in charge of the Parks and Recreation Department and Conshohocken Mayor Robert Frost who strongly supported the event from its inception.
Blackthorn wasted no time getting the crowd on their feet as the adults and children in attendance danced until the moon cast a warm orange summer glow over the “A” Field. Front lawns along Twelfth Avenue were crowded with lawn chairs and coolers. Never has the borough’s summer concerts at Sutcliffe Park and the Mary Wood Park ever drawn this large and this enthusiastic a crowd, it was truly a special night in Conshohocken.